
Transaction: BYwCMp4...gXBj

Signed by
Transaction Fee
Deposit Value
Gas Used
14 Tgas
Attached Gas
300 Tgas
August 27, 2023 at 2:26:08pm


Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "achoski.near": { "nominations": { "name": "Eric Asomugha", "profileAccount": "@achoski.near", "house_intended": "HouseOfMerit", "HAYInvolve": "Over the past year, I have mostly been involved in the NEAR ecosystem through the C1 Foundation, where I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the community newsletter. In this capacity, I collaborate closely with the community to collect and disseminate the most recent news, activities, and educational resources regarding NEAR to our readers.\nUnder my direction, the C1 Foundation newsletter has grown to serve thousands of subscribers as a reliable source of NEAR-related news and updates. To highlight the NEAR community's creative work, I interview core protocol developers, dApp creators, wallet providers, and other ecosystem participants.\nIn addition, I offer viewpoints on community development, education, and the adoption of NEAR technology as a council member at the C1 Foundation. I think my leadership and communication skills will be useful in the House of Merit as well.\n\nAdditionally, I'm devoted to spreading the word about NEAR's advantages, including its low transaction costs, fast throughput, and forward-thinking ecosystem. I am ideally equipped to serve on the House of Merit because of my love of learning and community development.\nDespite not being a core protocol developer, I will use my skills in community leadership and communication as an elected person in the House to improve the NEAR ecosystem. I will continue to be committed to facilitating the broader use of this promising blockchain and work closely with technical teams in this regard.\nIf elected to the House of Merit, I think I can effectively represent the NEAR community and its principles given my background and commitment to date. I would be very grateful for the community's ongoing support of my work during this election.", "WIYStrategy": "I believe that education, decentralization, and collaboration are key to developing a thriving NEAR ecosystem.\nMy strategy focuses heavily on community education and awareness. I will create more educational materials and resources for developers new to NEAR - like documentation, workshops, and hackathons. This will lower the barrier to entry and make it easier for new developers to build on NEAR.\nLastly, I will enable more collaboration through forums, meetings, and events. This will connect projects building on NEAR, allowing them to share learnings and explore synergies. I will connect investors and projects to catalyze funding of ecosystem projects.\nWith my leadership experience, I can execute on expanding education, decentralization, and collaboration in the NEAR community. I am committed to making NEAR easy to use, secure, and adopted widely. This will provide benefits to end users and also attract new developers, projects, and enterprises to the ecosystem.\nIn summary, my three-pronged strategy of education, decentralization, and collaboration will develop a vibrant community of projects, developers, and users - taking the NEAR ecosystem to the next level.", "Key_Issue_1": "I believe that user experience and accessibility need to be top priorities as we work to onboard the next billion users to Near. A platform’s success is ultimately defined by how easy and engaging it is for users.\nMy vision is for Near to have an intuitive user experience that abstracts away blockchain complexities. The apps and interfaces built on Near should be as easy to use as any mainstream app today. This will reduce friction for adoption by non-crypto native users.\nTo realize this vision, I pledge to support efforts that improve Near's UX such as decentralized product frameworks, SDKs, widgets, and components. These tools empower developers to build user-friendly dApps. As a House of Merit member, I will also provide feedback to push for elegant, accessible interface options in Near's own products.\nAnother key focus area is enhancing social features and integrations. Adding social layers and connections between users can evoke positive emotions that drive retention. I pledge to brainstorm creative ways to add gamified, social, and collaborative elements across the Near ecosystem.\nLastly, I will champion extensive user testing with both technical and non-technical users. Their feedback will be invaluable for identifying UX gaps and areas of improvement. I pledge to advocate for allocating resources and funding toward regular user testing and research.\nIn summary, my vision is for Near to set the gold standard for blockchain user experience - and I will work diligently towards making this vision a reality if elected.", "Key_Issue_2": "I believe that robust economic growth and innovation are crucial for NEAR's long-term success and mainstream adoption. My vision is for NEAR to be home to a thriving ecosystem of DeFi, NFTs, and other high-utility dApps that drive significant value creation.\nIf elected, I pledge to focus on expanding NEAR's DeFi capabilities as a top priority. I will collaborate closely with teams building NEAR's DeFi stack like Ref Finance. Attracting liquidity and integrating with mainstream crypto applications will make NEAR's DeFi ecosystem more robust.\nI also plan to advocate for simple fiat on-ramps so that new users can easily make a purchase. Smooth fiat integration will allow NEAR's apps to reach non-crypto native users as well, spurring adoption and growth.\nAdditionally, I pledge to support founders building on NEAR through grants, funding opportunities and incubator programs. NEAR's growth ultimately depends on the success of projects launching useful products on it. As a House of Merit member, I will help connect promising teams with capital and other resources.\nI will also work to attract large enterprises and traditional businesses to build on NEAR through developer advocacy and showcasing real-world use cases. Mainstream adoption of NEAR's blockchain will drive significant economic value.\nIn summary, I am committed to creating growth opportunities and supporting impactful innovation on NEAR. By executing on this vision, I believe we can establish Near as a leader in blockchain utility and value creation.", "Key_Issue_3": "Driving mass awareness and adoption for NEAR through effective marketing and outreach is essential in my view. NEAR has an innovative blockchain with huge potential, but its success depends on extensive marketing to reach a mainstream audience.\nIf elected, I pledge to champion bigger marketing budgets and initiatives to promote NEAR. Some specific ideas I'll advocate for are social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, targeted ads, and community referral programs to spread awareness.\nI also plan to represent NEAR by speaking at major blockchain and tech conferences. My talks will demonstrate the benefits of NEAR to developers and enterprises looking for a scalable blockchain solution.\nAdditionally, I will expand NEAR's presence on Web2 platforms like YouTube, Twitter and Medium to engage non-crypto audiences. Simple educational content can showcase NEAR's capabilities to the mainstream.\nI will also pledge resources towards continuous market research of user perceptions, competing platforms, and opportunities for integration. Using these insights for targeted outreach will help significantly.\nWith my marketing experience and deep knowledge of the NEAR ecosystem, I am committed to making NEAR a recognized innovator and leader if elected. I will develop creative strategies and initiatives to spread awareness of all the opportunities NEAR provides for users and builders globally.\n\nLet me know if you would like me to elaborate or modify my position on marketing and outreach for NEAR in any way. I can provide more specifics on initiatives, campaigns, platforms etc. that I believe will be impactful.", "addition_platform": "Here are some additional positions and pledges I would make across other key issues and topics:\nDecentralization:\n- Pledge to advocate for bringing more independent validators to further decentralize the network. This will enhance robustness and align with NEAR's community-driven values.\n- Plan to draft guides and provide support to assist new entrants in setting up nodes smoothly. A lower barrier to entry will promote more participation.\n- Commit to driving governance decentralization by engaging the community in important decisions and discussions. The community's voice should help shape NEAR's evolution.\nSecurity:\n- Make security audits and bug bounty programs a top priority. These are crucial to identifying and fixing vulnerabilities proactively before exploits. \n- Pledge to stay up-to-date on latest security practices, tools and approaches to keep NEAR's infrastructure safe. Will share learnings with developer community as well.\n- Commit to transparency and responsible disclosure if any issues arise. Will collaborate with security researchers and community to resolve problems quickly.\nDeveloper Experience:\n- Pledge to drive improvements to NEAR's developer tools, documentation and resources. An optimal dev experience is key to ecosystem growth.\n- Commit to soliciting regular feedback from developers building on NEAR through surveys, interviews etc. Will use insights to guide tooling improvements.\n- Plan to expand examples, tutorials and support content to make building on NEAR even easier, especially for newcomers.\nI am open to discussing and elaborating on any other topics the NEAR community sees as priorities. My overarching pledge is to enable NEAR to reach its full potential while staying true to its core values. I will work diligently alongside the community to make this vision a reality.", "afiliation": "[{\"company_name\":\"C1 Foundation \",\"start_date\":\"2023-02-28\",\"end_date\":\"2023-08-28\",\"role\":\"\\nIn C1 Foundation, I serve as the creator and editor-in-chief of the C1 Foundation Newsletter. In this position, I spearhead the planning, writing, and production of the foundation's regular community newsletter which covers the latest developments across the community, updates from other communities and NEAR ecosystem.\\n\\nAs the editor-in-chief, I work closely with the community serving in NEAR and other ecosystem partners to curate and share educational resources, project/product launches, event\"}]", "error_msg": null, "video": "", "tags": "" } } } }

Transaction Execution Plan

Convert Transaction To Receipt
Gas Burned:
2 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
11 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "achoski.near": { "nominations": { "name": "Eric Asomugha", "profileAccount": "@achoski.near", "house_intended": "HouseOfMerit", "HAYInvolve": "Over the past year, I have mostly been involved in the NEAR ecosystem through the C1 Foundation, where I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the community newsletter. In this capacity, I collaborate closely with the community to collect and disseminate the most recent news, activities, and educational resources regarding NEAR to our readers.\nUnder my direction, the C1 Foundation newsletter has grown to serve thousands of subscribers as a reliable source of NEAR-related news and updates. To highlight the NEAR community's creative work, I interview core protocol developers, dApp creators, wallet providers, and other ecosystem participants.\nIn addition, I offer viewpoints on community development, education, and the adoption of NEAR technology as a council member at the C1 Foundation. I think my leadership and communication skills will be useful in the House of Merit as well.\n\nAdditionally, I'm devoted to spreading the word about NEAR's advantages, including its low transaction costs, fast throughput, and forward-thinking ecosystem. I am ideally equipped to serve on the House of Merit because of my love of learning and community development.\nDespite not being a core protocol developer, I will use my skills in community leadership and communication as an elected person in the House to improve the NEAR ecosystem. I will continue to be committed to facilitating the broader use of this promising blockchain and work closely with technical teams in this regard.\nIf elected to the House of Merit, I think I can effectively represent the NEAR community and its principles given my background and commitment to date. I would be very grateful for the community's ongoing support of my work during this election.", "WIYStrategy": "I believe that education, decentralization, and collaboration are key to developing a thriving NEAR ecosystem.\nMy strategy focuses heavily on community education and awareness. I will create more educational materials and resources for developers new to NEAR - like documentation, workshops, and hackathons. This will lower the barrier to entry and make it easier for new developers to build on NEAR.\nLastly, I will enable more collaboration through forums, meetings, and events. This will connect projects building on NEAR, allowing them to share learnings and explore synergies. I will connect investors and projects to catalyze funding of ecosystem projects.\nWith my leadership experience, I can execute on expanding education, decentralization, and collaboration in the NEAR community. I am committed to making NEAR easy to use, secure, and adopted widely. This will provide benefits to end users and also attract new developers, projects, and enterprises to the ecosystem.\nIn summary, my three-pronged strategy of education, decentralization, and collaboration will develop a vibrant community of projects, developers, and users - taking the NEAR ecosystem to the next level.", "Key_Issue_1": "I believe that user experience and accessibility need to be top priorities as we work to onboard the next billion users to Near. A platform’s success is ultimately defined by how easy and engaging it is for users.\nMy vision is for Near to have an intuitive user experience that abstracts away blockchain complexities. The apps and interfaces built on Near should be as easy to use as any mainstream app today. This will reduce friction for adoption by non-crypto native users.\nTo realize this vision, I pledge to support efforts that improve Near's UX such as decentralized product frameworks, SDKs, widgets, and components. These tools empower developers to build user-friendly dApps. As a House of Merit member, I will also provide feedback to push for elegant, accessible interface options in Near's own products.\nAnother key focus area is enhancing social features and integrations. Adding social layers and connections between users can evoke positive emotions that drive retention. I pledge to brainstorm creative ways to add gamified, social, and collaborative elements across the Near ecosystem.\nLastly, I will champion extensive user testing with both technical and non-technical users. Their feedback will be invaluable for identifying UX gaps and areas of improvement. I pledge to advocate for allocating resources and funding toward regular user testing and research.\nIn summary, my vision is for Near to set the gold standard for blockchain user experience - and I will work diligently towards making this vision a reality if elected.", "Key_Issue_2": "I believe that robust economic growth and innovation are crucial for NEAR's long-term success and mainstream adoption. My vision is for NEAR to be home to a thriving ecosystem of DeFi, NFTs, and other high-utility dApps that drive significant value creation.\nIf elected, I pledge to focus on expanding NEAR's DeFi capabilities as a top priority. I will collaborate closely with teams building NEAR's DeFi stack like Ref Finance. Attracting liquidity and integrating with mainstream crypto applications will make NEAR's DeFi ecosystem more robust.\nI also plan to advocate for simple fiat on-ramps so that new users can easily make a purchase. Smooth fiat integration will allow NEAR's apps to reach non-crypto native users as well, spurring adoption and growth.\nAdditionally, I pledge to support founders building on NEAR through grants, funding opportunities and incubator programs. NEAR's growth ultimately depends on the success of projects launching useful products on it. As a House of Merit member, I will help connect promising teams with capital and other resources.\nI will also work to attract large enterprises and traditional businesses to build on NEAR through developer advocacy and showcasing real-world use cases. Mainstream adoption of NEAR's blockchain will drive significant economic value.\nIn summary, I am committed to creating growth opportunities and supporting impactful innovation on NEAR. By executing on this vision, I believe we can establish Near as a leader in blockchain utility and value creation.", "Key_Issue_3": "Driving mass awareness and adoption for NEAR through effective marketing and outreach is essential in my view. NEAR has an innovative blockchain with huge potential, but its success depends on extensive marketing to reach a mainstream audience.\nIf elected, I pledge to champion bigger marketing budgets and initiatives to promote NEAR. Some specific ideas I'll advocate for are social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, targeted ads, and community referral programs to spread awareness.\nI also plan to represent NEAR by speaking at major blockchain and tech conferences. My talks will demonstrate the benefits of NEAR to developers and enterprises looking for a scalable blockchain solution.\nAdditionally, I will expand NEAR's presence on Web2 platforms like YouTube, Twitter and Medium to engage non-crypto audiences. Simple educational content can showcase NEAR's capabilities to the mainstream.\nI will also pledge resources towards continuous market research of user perceptions, competing platforms, and opportunities for integration. Using these insights for targeted outreach will help significantly.\nWith my marketing experience and deep knowledge of the NEAR ecosystem, I am committed to making NEAR a recognized innovator and leader if elected. I will develop creative strategies and initiatives to spread awareness of all the opportunities NEAR provides for users and builders globally.\n\nLet me know if you would like me to elaborate or modify my position on marketing and outreach for NEAR in any way. I can provide more specifics on initiatives, campaigns, platforms etc. that I believe will be impactful.", "addition_platform": "Here are some additional positions and pledges I would make across other key issues and topics:\nDecentralization:\n- Pledge to advocate for bringing more independent validators to further decentralize the network. This will enhance robustness and align with NEAR's community-driven values.\n- Plan to draft guides and provide support to assist new entrants in setting up nodes smoothly. A lower barrier to entry will promote more participation.\n- Commit to driving governance decentralization by engaging the community in important decisions and discussions. The community's voice should help shape NEAR's evolution.\nSecurity:\n- Make security audits and bug bounty programs a top priority. These are crucial to identifying and fixing vulnerabilities proactively before exploits. \n- Pledge to stay up-to-date on latest security practices, tools and approaches to keep NEAR's infrastructure safe. Will share learnings with developer community as well.\n- Commit to transparency and responsible disclosure if any issues arise. Will collaborate with security researchers and community to resolve problems quickly.\nDeveloper Experience:\n- Pledge to drive improvements to NEAR's developer tools, documentation and resources. An optimal dev experience is key to ecosystem growth.\n- Commit to soliciting regular feedback from developers building on NEAR through surveys, interviews etc. Will use insights to guide tooling improvements.\n- Plan to expand examples, tutorials and support content to make building on NEAR even easier, especially for newcomers.\nI am open to discussing and elaborating on any other topics the NEAR community sees as priorities. My overarching pledge is to enable NEAR to reach its full potential while staying true to its core values. I will work diligently alongside the community to make this vision a reality.", "afiliation": "[{\"company_name\":\"C1 Foundation \",\"start_date\":\"2023-02-28\",\"end_date\":\"2023-08-28\",\"role\":\"\\nIn C1 Foundation, I serve as the creator and editor-in-chief of the C1 Foundation Newsletter. In this position, I spearhead the planning, writing, and production of the foundation's regular community newsletter which covers the latest developments across the community, updates from other communities and NEAR ecosystem.\\n\\nAs the editor-in-chief, I work closely with the community serving in NEAR and other ecosystem partners to curate and share educational resources, project/product launches, event\"}]", "error_msg": null, "video": "", "tags": "" } } } }
  "type": "action",
  "error": {
    "type": "functionCallError",
    "error": {
      "type": "executionError",
      "error": "Smart contract panicked: panicked at 'Not enough storage balance', contract/src/"
No logs
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.1  to achoski.near
Empty result
No logs
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.18785  to achoski.near
Empty result
No logs