
Transaction: ALXqY7Y...Nots

Transaction Fee
Deposit Value
Gas Used
16 Tgas
Attached Gas
100 Tgas
March 15, 2024 at 2:38:23pm


Called method: 'edit_post' in contract: devgovgigs.near
{ "id": 3204, "labels": [], "body": { "name": "Funding approval for MultiToken swap use-case", "description": "Hi @22516c1b4e5d40db919e5e56a040c5670eac947fcb53a71207d5ce640a973820,\n\nCongratulations! This sponsorship post confirms your funding request approval by the NEAR DevDAO. We're excited to sponsor your work! This approval follows our review process involving various Work Groups and DevDAO Moderators, as outlined in our [guidelines](/devhub.near/widget/app?page=community&handle=developer-dao&tab=Funding). Please note that the funding distribution is contingent on successfully passing our KYC/B and paperwork process.\n\nHere's what to expect:\n\n**Funding Steps**\n\n1. **KYC/KYB Verification:** You must get verified through Fractal, a trusted third-party identification verification solution. If you haven't done this yet, contact your DevHub Moderator for assistance. Your verification badge is valid for 365 days and needs renewal upon expiration OR if your personal information changes, such as your name, address, or ID expiration.\n2. **Information Collection:** Once verified, a DevDAO Moderator will contact you via Telegram and request that you complete the Funding Request Form.\n3. **Processing:** Our legal team will verify your application details to ensure compliance. They will then send you an email requesting your signature for the underlying agreement via Ironclad.\n4. **Invoicing & Payment:** Once we receive your signed agreement, our finance team will email you instructions to submit the final invoice. Once we receive your invoice, our finance team will send a test transaction confirmation email. Once you confirm the test transaction, we will distribute the funds and post a link receipt on your sponsorship post.\n\n**Funding Conversion Notice**\nOnce you receive your funding, we urge you to exercise caution if attempting to convert your funds. Some third-party tools may impose significant swapping fees.\n\n**Visibility**\n\nWe track the funding process on the [DevDAO Funding Board](/devhub.near/widget/app?page=community&handle=developer-dao&tab=Funding%20Board). However, you are welcome to reach out to the DevDAO Moderator with any questions. \n\n**Timeline**\n\nTypically, funds are disbursed within 10 business days, but the timeline can vary depending on the project's complexity and paperwork. Your DevDAO Moderator will keep you updated.\n", "amount": "3000", "sponsorship_token": { "NEP141": { "address": "usdt.tether-token.near" } }, "supervisor": "frol.near", "sponsorship_version": "V1", "post_type": "Sponsorship" } }

Transaction Execution Plan

Convert Transaction To Receipt
Gas Burned:
2 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
8 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Called method: 'edit_post' in contract: devgovgigs.near
{ "id": 3204, "labels": [], "body": { "name": "Funding approval for MultiToken swap use-case", "description": "Hi @22516c1b4e5d40db919e5e56a040c5670eac947fcb53a71207d5ce640a973820,\n\nCongratulations! This sponsorship post confirms your funding request approval by the NEAR DevDAO. We're excited to sponsor your work! This approval follows our review process involving various Work Groups and DevDAO Moderators, as outlined in our [guidelines](/devhub.near/widget/app?page=community&handle=developer-dao&tab=Funding). Please note that the funding distribution is contingent on successfully passing our KYC/B and paperwork process.\n\nHere's what to expect:\n\n**Funding Steps**\n\n1. **KYC/KYB Verification:** You must get verified through Fractal, a trusted third-party identification verification solution. If you haven't done this yet, contact your DevHub Moderator for assistance. Your verification badge is valid for 365 days and needs renewal upon expiration OR if your personal information changes, such as your name, address, or ID expiration.\n2. **Information Collection:** Once verified, a DevDAO Moderator will contact you via Telegram and request that you complete the Funding Request Form.\n3. **Processing:** Our legal team will verify your application details to ensure compliance. They will then send you an email requesting your signature for the underlying agreement via Ironclad.\n4. **Invoicing & Payment:** Once we receive your signed agreement, our finance team will email you instructions to submit the final invoice. Once we receive your invoice, our finance team will send a test transaction confirmation email. Once you confirm the test transaction, we will distribute the funds and post a link receipt on your sponsorship post.\n\n**Funding Conversion Notice**\nOnce you receive your funding, we urge you to exercise caution if attempting to convert your funds. Some third-party tools may impose significant swapping fees.\n\n**Visibility**\n\nWe track the funding process on the [DevDAO Funding Board](/devhub.near/widget/app?page=community&handle=developer-dao&tab=Funding%20Board). However, you are welcome to reach out to the DevDAO Moderator with any questions. \n\n**Timeline**\n\nTypically, funds are disbursed within 10 business days, but the timeline can vary depending on the project's complexity and paperwork. Your DevDAO Moderator will keep you updated.\n", "amount": "3000", "sponsorship_token": { "NEP141": { "address": "usdt.tether-token.near" } }, "supervisor": "frol.near", "sponsorship_version": "V1", "post_type": "Sponsorship" } }
Empty result
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
5 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "neardevdao.near": { "index": { "notify": "{\"key\":\"neardevdao.near\",\"value\":{\"type\":\"devgovgigs/edit\",\"post\":3204}}" } } } }
{ "block_height": "114761697" }
No logs
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.01692  to neardevdao.near
Empty result
No logs
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.00074  to neardevdao.near
Empty result
No logs