
Transaction: 7fgVBk6...TSAD

Transaction Fee
Deposit Value
Gas Used
12 Tgas
Attached Gas
300 Tgas
December 20, 2023 at 2:29:14pm


Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "calimero.near": { "widget": { "Calimero.Curb.Chat.MessageInput": { "": "const {\n componentOwnerId,\n selectedChat,\n sendMessage,\n openThread,\n isThread,\n isReadOnly,\n isOwner,\n isModerator,\n fetchAccounts,\n} = props;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n bottom: 16px;\n padding-left: 16px;\n padding-right: 16px;\n padding-top: 12px;\n padding-bottom: 12px;\n background-color: #1d1d21;\n display: flex;\n align-items: end;\n @media (min-width: 1025px) {\n gap: 8px;\n border-radius: 4px;\n }\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n position: fixed;\n margin: 0 !important;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0px;\n border-top-left-radius: 4px;\n border-top-right-radius: 4px;\n gap: 4px;\n margin: 0px;\n padding-left: 8px;\n padding-right: 8px;\n padding-bottom: 12px;\n padding-top: 12px;\n width: 100% !important;\n }\n`;\n\nconst EmojiPopupContainer = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 70px;\n right: 2.5rem;\n`;\n\nconst UploadPopupContainer = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 46px;\n left: 16px;\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n left: 8px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst UploadContainer = styled.div`\n background-color: #25252a;\n border-radius: 2px;\n width: fit-content;\n`;\n\nconst [showUpload, setShowUpload] = useState(false);\nconst [message, setMessage] = useState('');\n//Message is cleaned in Quill after it is returned to bos components so\n//this ref is setting value from callback to be used after sending with ENTER key\nconst messageRef = useRef(null);\nconst [uploadedFile, setUploadedFile] = useState(null);\nconst [uploadedImage, setUploadedImage] = useState(null);\nconst [emojiSelectorOpen, setEmojiSelectorOpen] = useState(false);\nconst [error, setError] = useState('');\nconst [sendFromLib, setSendFromLib] = useState(false);\n\nconst handleMessageChange = useCallback((mesage) => {\n setMessage(mesage);\n}, []);\n\nconst resetFile = useCallback(() => {\n setUploadedFile(null);\n setShowUpload(false);\n}, []);\n\nconst resetImage = useCallback(() => {\n setUploadedImage(null);\n setShowUpload(false);\n}, []);\n\nconst emptyText = /^(\\s*<p><br><\\/p>\\s*)*$/;\nconst markdownParser = (text) => {\n const toHTML = text.replace(\n /(\\b(https?:\\/\\/[^\\s<]+\\/?)\\b)|^(#####|####|###|##|#) (.*)$|(@everyone)|(@here)|(@[a-z\\d]+[-_]*[a-z\\d]+[-_]*[a-z\\d]+\\.(near|testnet))|<p><br><\\/p>(?=\\s*$)/gim,\n (\n match,\n url,\n url2,\n heading,\n text,\n everyoneMention,\n hereMention,\n validMention,\n ) => {\n if (url || url2) {\n return `<a href=\"${url || url2}\" class=\"url-link\" target=\"_blank\">${\n url || url2\n }</a>`;\n } else if (heading) {\n return text;\n } else if (everyoneMention) {\n return `<span class='mention-everyone'>@everyone</span>`;\n } else if (hereMention) {\n return `<span class='mention-here'>@here</span>`;\n } else if (validMention) {\n return `<span class='mention mention-user-${validMention\n .replace('@', '')\n .replace(/\\./g, '\\\\.')\n .replace(/_/g, '\\\\_')}'>${validMention}</span>`;\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n );\n\n return toHTML;\n};\n\nconst isActive =\n (message && !emptyText.test(markdownParser(message))) ||\n uploadedImage ||\n uploadedFile;\n\nconst handleSendMessage = useCallback(\n (vmValue) => {\n const messageToSend = vmValue || message;\n if (\n (uploadedFile && !uploadedFile.file.cid) ||\n (uploadedImage && !uploadedImage.file.cid)\n ) {\n return;\n } else if (\n emptyText.test(markdownParser(messageToSend)) &&\n !uploadedImage &&\n !uploadedFile\n ) {\n handleMessageChange('');\n messageRef.current = '';\n } else {\n sendMessage(\n markdownParser(messageToSend),\n uploadedImage,\n selectedChat,\n uploadedFile,\n openThread,\n );\n resetImage();\n resetFile();\n setShowUpload(false);\n setEmojiSelectorOpen(false);\n handleMessageChange('');\n messageRef.current = '';\n }\n },\n [message, uploadedImage, uploadedFile, openThread, selectedChat],\n);\n\nuseEffect(() => {\n if (sendFromLib) {\n handleSendMessage(messageRef.current);\n setSendFromLib(false);\n }\n}, [sendFromLib]);\n\n//Hack for\n//as passed handleSendMessage to input field component use staled useState values\nconst handleSendMessageFromLib = (value) => {\n messageRef.current = value;\n setSendFromLib(true);\n};\n\nconst Wrapper = styled.div`\n flex-grow: 1;\n display: contents;\n align-items: start;\n background-color: #111111;\n`;\n\nconst FullWidthWrapper = styled.div`\n display: flow;\n flex-direction: row;\n overflow: hidden;\n align-items: start;\n width: 100%;\n`;\n\n// const IconUploadWrapper = styled.div`\n// height: 34px;\n// width: 34px;\n// padding: 8px;\n// display: flex;\n// justify-content: center;\n// border-radius: 2px;\n// align-items: center;\n// :hover {\n// background-color: #686672;\n// fill: #fff;\n// }\n// cursor: pointer;\n// fill: #686672;\n// `;\n\n// const IconUpload = ({ onClick }) => (\n// <IconUploadWrapper>\n// <svg\n// onClick={onClick}\n// xmlns=\"\"\n// width=\"18\"\n// height=\"18\"\n// className=\"bi bi-plus-circle\"\n// viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\"\n// >\n// <path d=\"M8 15A7 7 0 1 1 8 1a7 7 0 0 1 0 14zm0 1A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 8 0 0 0 0 16z\" />\n// <path d=\"M8 4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v3h3a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-3v3a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3h-3a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h3v-3A.5.5 0 0 1 8 4z\" />\n// </svg>\n// </IconUploadWrapper>\n// );\n\nconst EmojiContainer = styled.div`\n fill: #686672;\n height: 2rem;\n width: 2rem;\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n cursor: pointer;\n :hover {\n fill: #ffdd1d;\n }\n`;\n\nconst IconEmojiSvg = styled.svg`\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 1.5em;\n width: 1.5em;\n`;\n\nconst IconEmoji = () => {\n return (\n <EmojiContainer>\n <IconEmojiSvg xmlns=\"\">\n <path d=\"M12 0C15.1826 0 18.2348 1.26428 20.4853 3.51472C22.7357 5.76516 24 8.8174 24 12C24 15.1826 22.7357 18.2348 20.4853 20.4853C18.2348 22.7357 15.1826 24 12 24C8.8174 24 5.76516 22.7357 3.51472 20.4853C1.26428 18.2348 0 15.1826 0 12C0 8.8174 1.26428 5.76516 3.51472 3.51472C5.76516 1.26428 8.8174 0 12 0V0ZM10.5 9.75C10.5 8.508 9.828 7.5 9 7.5C8.172 7.5 7.5 8.508 7.5 9.75C7.5 10.992 8.172 12 9 12C9.828 12 10.5 10.992 10.5 9.75ZM6.4275 14.3505C6.25525 14.45 6.12955 14.6138 6.07808 14.8059C6.0266 14.998 6.05355 15.2027 6.153 15.375C6.74532 16.4015 7.59758 17.2539 8.62401 17.8464C9.65045 18.4389 10.8148 18.7505 12 18.75C13.1851 18.7502 14.3494 18.4385 15.3758 17.846C16.4021 17.2536 17.2545 16.4013 17.847 15.375C17.897 15.2897 17.9297 15.1953 17.9431 15.0973C17.9565 14.9993 17.9504 14.8996 17.9251 14.804C17.8998 14.7084 17.8558 14.6187 17.7958 14.5401C17.7357 14.4615 17.6607 14.3956 17.575 14.3462C17.4893 14.2967 17.3947 14.2647 17.2967 14.2519C17.1986 14.2392 17.0989 14.246 17.0035 14.2719C16.908 14.2978 16.8186 14.3423 16.7405 14.4029C16.6623 14.4636 16.5969 14.539 16.548 14.625C16.0873 15.4235 15.4244 16.0866 14.626 16.5474C13.8276 17.0082 12.9219 17.2505 12 17.25C11.0781 17.2505 10.1724 17.0082 9.37399 16.5474C8.57558 16.0866 7.91267 15.4235 7.452 14.625C7.35254 14.4527 7.18873 14.3271 6.9966 14.2756C6.80447 14.2241 6.59976 14.251 6.4275 14.3505ZM14.1555 9.3855C14.1076 9.29942 14.0433 9.22361 13.9661 9.1624C13.8889 9.10119 13.8005 9.05577 13.7058 9.02875C13.6111 9.00173 13.5119 8.99363 13.4141 9.00491C13.3162 9.01619 13.2216 9.04663 13.1355 9.0945C13.0494 9.14237 12.9736 9.20672 12.9124 9.28389C12.8512 9.36105 12.8058 9.44952 12.7788 9.54423C12.7517 9.63895 12.7436 9.73806 12.7549 9.83591C12.7662 9.93375 12.7966 10.0284 12.8445 10.1145C13.3395 11.007 14.2815 11.625 15.375 11.625C16.47 11.625 17.409 11.007 17.9055 10.1145C17.9534 10.0284 17.9838 9.93375 17.9951 9.83591C18.0064 9.73806 17.9983 9.63895 17.9712 9.54423C17.9442 9.44952 17.8988 9.36105 17.8376 9.28389C17.7764 9.20672 17.7006 9.14237 17.6145 9.0945C17.5284 9.04663 17.4338 9.01619 17.3359 9.00491C17.2381 8.99363 17.1389 9.00173 17.0442 9.02875C16.9495 9.05577 16.861 9.10119 16.7839 9.1624C16.7067 9.22361 16.6424 9.29942 16.5945 9.3855C16.4761 9.60666 16.3004 9.79196 16.0859 9.92204C15.8714 10.0521 15.6259 10.1222 15.375 10.125C15.1241 10.1222 14.8786 10.0521 14.6641 9.92204C14.4496 9.79196 14.2739 9.60666 14.1555 9.3855Z\" />\n </IconEmojiSvg>\n </EmojiContainer>\n );\n};\nconst IconContainer = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 2em;\n width: 2em;\n flex: 1 0 auto;\n`;\n\nconst IconSendSvg = styled.svg`\n :hover {\n fill: #4e95ff;\n }\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 1.5em;\n width: 1.5em;\n`;\nconst IconSend = ({ onClick, isActive }) => (\n <IconContainer onClick={onClick}>\n <IconSendSvg\n xmlns=\"\"\n fill={`${isActive ? '#4E95FF' : '#686672'}`}\n >\n <path\n fillRule=\"evenodd\"\n clipRule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M23.9459 1.02895C24.0005 0.892657 24.0138 0.743347 23.9843 0.599532C23.9548 0.455718 23.8838 0.323724 23.7799 0.219914C23.6761 0.116105 23.5441 0.0450444 23.4003 0.0155432C23.2565 -0.013958 23.1072 -0.00060275 22.9709 0.0539533L1.1504 8.78245H1.1489L0.470904 9.05245C0.342489 9.10368 0.230732 9.1894 0.147977 9.30015C0.0652226 9.4109 0.0146909 9.54237 0.00196413 9.68004C-0.0107627 9.8177 0.0148107 9.95621 0.0758594 10.0803C0.136908 10.2043 0.231056 10.3091 0.347904 10.383L0.962904 10.773L0.964404 10.776L8.4569 15.543L13.2239 23.0355L13.2269 23.0385L13.6169 23.6535C13.691 23.7699 13.7959 23.8635 13.9198 23.9242C14.0438 23.9849 14.182 24.0102 14.3194 23.9973C14.4568 23.9844 14.588 23.9339 14.6986 23.8512C14.8091 23.7686 14.8947 23.6571 14.9459 23.529L23.9459 1.02895ZM21.1964 3.86395L21.9029 2.09695L20.1359 2.80345L8.8949 14.0445L9.4019 14.367C9.49494 14.426 9.57381 14.5049 9.6329 14.598L9.9554 15.105L21.1964 3.86395Z\"\n />\n </IconSendSvg>\n </IconContainer>\n);\n\nconst Placeholder = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 10;\n bottom: ${({ placeholderPosition }) =>\n placeholderPosition && placeholderPosition};\n left: 68px;\n color: #686672;\n font-size: 16px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n pointer-events: none;\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n font-size: 14px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n bottom: ${({ placeholderPositionMobile }) =>\n placeholderPositionMobile && placeholderPositionMobile};\n left: 56px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst getCustomStyle = (openThread) => {\n const customStyle = {\n width: 'calc(100% - 440px)',\n marginLeft: '2.5rem',\n marginRight: '2.5rem',\n };\n if (openThread && !isThread) {\n customStyle.width = 'calc(60% - 262px)';\n customStyle.marginRight = '1.25rem';\n } else if (!openThread && !isThread) {\n customStyle.width = 'calc(100% - 440px)';\n } else if (openThread && isThread) {\n customStyle.width = 'calc(40% - 212px)';\n customStyle.marginLeft = '0rem';\n customStyle.marginRight = '1.25rem';\n }\n return customStyle;\n};\n\nconst ReadOnlyField = styled.div`\n background-color: #111111;\n height: 2rem;\n border-radius: 4px;\n padding: 4px 8px 4px 8px;\n font-family: Helvetica Neue;\n font-size: 16px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n color: #797978;\n flex: 1;\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n font-size: 14px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n }\n`;\n\nlet canWriteMessage = false;\nif (isReadOnly) {\n if (isModerator || isOwner) {\n canWriteMessage = true;\n } else {\n canWriteMessage = false;\n }\n} else {\n canWriteMessage = true;\n}\n\nlet placeholderPosition = '16px';\nif (uploadedFile.file.cid) {\n placeholderPosition = '61px';\n} else if (uploadedImage.file.cid) {\n placeholderPosition = '86px';\n}\n\nconst [showAutocomplete, setShowAutocomplete] = useState(false);\n\nconst autoCompleteAccountId = (accountId) => {\n let text = message.replace(/[\\s]{0,1}@[^\\s]*$/, '');\n text = `${text} @${accountId}`.trim() + ' \\u200B';\n setMessage(text);\n setShowAutocomplete(false);\n};\n\nuseEffect(() => {\n const showAccountAutocomplete = /@[\\w][^\\s]*$/.test(message);\n setShowAutocomplete(showAccountAutocomplete);\n}, [message]);\n\nconst ImageIconSvg = () => (\n <svg\n width=\"24\"\n height=\"24\"\n viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n fill=\"#fff\"\n xmlns=\"\"\n >\n <path\n d=\"M15.75 12.75C15.75 13.7446 15.3549 14.6984 14.6517 15.4017C13.9484 16.1049 12.9946 16.5 12 16.5C11.0054 16.5 10.0516 16.1049 9.34835 15.4017C8.64509 14.6984 8.25 13.7446 8.25 12.75C8.25 11.7554 8.64509 10.8016 9.34835 10.0983C10.0516 9.39509 11.0054 9 12 9C12.9946 9 13.9484 9.39509 14.6517 10.0983C15.3549 10.8016 15.75 11.7554 15.75 12.75Z\"\n fill=\"white\"\n />\n <path\n d=\"M3 6C2.20435 6 1.44129 6.31607 0.87868 6.87868C0.316071 7.44129 0 8.20435 0 9V18C0 18.7956 0.316071 19.5587 0.87868 20.1213C1.44129 20.6839 2.20435 21 3 21H21C21.7956 21 22.5587 20.6839 23.1213 20.1213C23.6839 19.5587 24 18.7956 24 18V9C24 8.20435 23.6839 7.44129 23.1213 6.87868C22.5587 6.31607 21.7956 6 21 6H19.242C18.4464 5.99983 17.6835 5.68365 17.121 5.121L15.879 3.879C15.3165 3.31635 14.5536 3.00017 13.758 3H10.242C9.44641 3.00017 8.68348 3.31635 8.121 3.879L6.879 5.121C6.31652 5.68365 5.55358 5.99983 4.758 6H3ZM3.75 9C3.55109 9 3.36032 8.92098 3.21967 8.78033C3.07902 8.63968 3 8.44891 3 8.25C3 8.05109 3.07902 7.86032 3.21967 7.71967C3.36032 7.57902 3.55109 7.5 3.75 7.5C3.94891 7.5 4.13968 7.57902 4.28033 7.71967C4.42098 7.86032 4.5 8.05109 4.5 8.25C4.5 8.44891 4.42098 8.63968 4.28033 8.78033C4.13968 8.92098 3.94891 9 3.75 9ZM17.25 12.75C17.25 14.1424 16.6969 15.4777 15.7123 16.4623C14.7277 17.4469 13.3924 18 12 18C10.6076 18 9.27226 17.4469 8.28769 16.4623C7.30312 15.4777 6.75 14.1424 6.75 12.75C6.75 11.3576 7.30312 10.0223 8.28769 9.03769C9.27226 8.05312 10.6076 7.5 12 7.5C13.3924 7.5 14.7277 8.05312 15.7123 9.03769C16.6969 10.0223 17.25 11.3576 17.25 12.75Z\"\n fill=\"white\"\n />\n </svg>\n);\n\nconst FileIconSvg = () => (\n <svg\n width=\"24\"\n height=\"24\"\n viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n fill=\"#fff\"\n xmlns=\"\"\n >\n <g clipPath=\"url(#clip0_952_64107)\">\n <path\n d=\"M13.9395 0H6C5.20435 0 4.44129 0.316071 3.87868 0.87868C3.31607 1.44129 3 2.20435 3 3V21C3 21.7956 3.31607 22.5587 3.87868 23.1213C4.44129 23.6839 5.20435 24 6 24H18C18.7956 24 19.5587 23.6839 20.1213 23.1213C20.6839 22.5587 21 21.7956 21 21V7.0605C20.9999 6.66271 20.8418 6.28124 20.5605 6L15 0.4395C14.7188 0.158176 14.3373 8.49561e-05 13.9395 0V0ZM14.25 5.25V2.25L18.75 6.75H15.75C15.3522 6.75 14.9706 6.59196 14.6893 6.31066C14.408 6.02936 14.25 5.64782 14.25 5.25ZM9.75 8.25V9.201L10.5735 8.7255C10.6588 8.67548 10.7532 8.64283 10.8512 8.62943C10.9492 8.61603 11.0489 8.62214 11.1445 8.64743C11.2401 8.67271 11.3298 8.71665 11.4084 8.77674C11.487 8.83682 11.5529 8.91185 11.6023 8.9975C11.6518 9.08316 11.6838 9.17776 11.6966 9.27584C11.7093 9.37393 11.7025 9.47357 11.6766 9.56902C11.6507 9.66447 11.6062 9.75386 11.5456 9.83203C11.4849 9.9102 11.4095 9.97561 11.3235 10.0245L10.5 10.5L11.3235 10.9755C11.4095 11.0244 11.4849 11.0898 11.5456 11.168C11.6062 11.2461 11.6507 11.3355 11.6766 11.431C11.7025 11.5264 11.7093 11.6261 11.6966 11.7242C11.6838 11.8222 11.6518 11.9168 11.6023 12.0025C11.5529 12.0882 11.487 12.1632 11.4084 12.2233C11.3298 12.2833 11.2401 12.3273 11.1445 12.3526C11.0489 12.3779 10.9492 12.384 10.8512 12.3706C10.7532 12.3572 10.6588 12.3245 10.5735 12.2745L9.75 11.799V12.75C9.75 12.9489 9.67098 13.1397 9.53033 13.2803C9.38968 13.421 9.19891 13.5 9 13.5C8.80109 13.5 8.61032 13.421 8.46967 13.2803C8.32902 13.1397 8.25 12.9489 8.25 12.75V11.799L7.4265 12.2745C7.34117 12.3245 7.24679 12.3572 7.14879 12.3706C7.0508 12.384 6.95111 12.3779 6.85549 12.3526C6.75987 12.3273 6.67019 12.2833 6.59162 12.2233C6.51304 12.1632 6.44713 12.0882 6.39768 12.0025C6.34822 11.9168 6.3162 11.8222 6.30345 11.7242C6.2907 11.6261 6.29748 11.5264 6.32339 11.431C6.34931 11.3355 6.39385 11.2461 6.45445 11.168C6.51505 11.0898 6.59052 11.0244 6.6765 10.9755L7.5 10.5L6.6765 10.0245C6.50565 9.92434 6.38134 9.76066 6.33072 9.56919C6.2801 9.37772 6.30727 9.174 6.40629 9.00248C6.50532 8.83096 6.66817 8.70558 6.8593 8.65369C7.05043 8.6018 7.25433 8.62761 7.4265 8.7255L8.25 9.201V8.25C8.25 8.05109 8.32902 7.86032 8.46967 7.71967C8.61032 7.57902 8.80109 7.5 9 7.5C9.19891 7.5 9.38968 7.57902 9.53033 7.71967C9.67098 7.86032 9.75 8.05109 9.75 8.25ZM6.75 15H14.25C14.4489 15 14.6397 15.079 14.7803 15.2197C14.921 15.3603 15 15.5511 15 15.75C15 15.9489 14.921 16.1397 14.7803 16.2803C14.6397 16.421 14.4489 16.5 14.25 16.5H6.75C6.55109 16.5 6.36032 16.421 6.21967 16.2803C6.07902 16.1397 6 15.9489 6 15.75C6 15.5511 6.07902 15.3603 6.21967 15.2197C6.36032 15.079 6.55109 15 6.75 15ZM6.75 18H14.25C14.4489 18 14.6397 18.079 14.7803 18.2197C14.921 18.3603 15 18.5511 15 18.75C15 18.9489 14.921 19.1397 14.7803 19.2803C14.6397 19.421 14.4489 19.5 14.25 19.5H6.75C6.55109 19.5 6.36032 19.421 6.21967 19.2803C6.07902 19.1397 6 18.9489 6 18.75C6 18.5511 6.07902 18.3603 6.21967 18.2197C6.36032 18.079 6.55109 18 6.75 18Z\"\n fill=\"white\"\n />\n </g>\n <defs>\n <clipPath id=\"clip0_952_64107\">\n <rect width=\"24\" height=\"24\" fill=\"white\" />\n </clipPath>\n </defs>\n </svg>\n);\n\nconst ErrorContainer = styled.div`\n position: relative;\n top: 0;\n padding-top: 4px;\n padding-bottom: 4px;\n padding-left: 8px;\n display: flex;\n width: 206px;\n color: #dc3545;\n font-family: Helvetica Neue;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n background-color: #25252a;\n border-radius: 2px;\n`;\n\nconst filterHtml = (message, emoji) => {\n if (!message) {\n return `<p>${emoji}</p>`;\n }\n const endingsToCheck = [\n '<br>',\n '<br></p>',\n '</p>',\n '</strong>',\n '<br></li></ul>',\n '</li></ul>',\n '</em>',\n '</u>',\n '<br></li></ol>',\n '</li></ol>',\n ];\n\n for (const ending of endingsToCheck) {\n if (message.endsWith(ending)) {\n const lastIndex = message.lastIndexOf(ending);\n return message.substring(0, lastIndex) + emoji + ending;\n }\n }\n};\n\nconst addEmojiToMessage = (emoji) => {\n const text = filterHtml(message, emoji);\n setMessage(text);\n};\nconst [accountData, setAccountData] = useState([]);\n\nconst debouncedFetchUsers = (value) => {\n setTimeout(\n () =>\n fetchAccounts(value.toLowerCase()).then((users) => {\n const accounts = => {\n return {\n id:,\n active:,\n };\n });\n setAccountData(accounts);\n }),\n 500,\n );\n};\n\nuseEffect(() => {\n const term = message.split('@').pop().split('<')[0];\n if (term) {\n debouncedFetchUsers(term);\n }\n}, [showAutocomplete]);\n\nreturn (\n <>\n {canWriteMessage && (\n <Container\n style={getCustomStyle(openThread, isThread)}\n key={}\n >\n {/* <IconUpload\n onClick={() => {\n setError('');\n if (!uploadedFile.file.cid && !uploadedImage.file.cid) {\n setEmojiSelectorOpen(false);\n setShowUpload(!showUpload);\n }\n }}\n /> */}\n <Wrapper>\n <FullWidthWrapper>\n <ChatInputField\n setValue={setMessage}\n value={message}\n handleMessageSend={handleSendMessageFromLib}\n />\n {showAutocomplete && accountData.length > 0 && (\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.AutocompleteList`}\n props={{\n componentOwnerId,\n onSelect: autoCompleteAccountId,\n accountData,\n }}\n />\n )}\n </FullWidthWrapper>\n {(!message || emptyText.test(markdownParser(message))) && (\n <Placeholder placeholderPosition={placeholderPosition}>\n {openThread && isThread\n ? `Reply in thread`\n : `Type message in ${selectedChat}`}\n </Placeholder>\n )}\n\n {uploadedFile.file.cid && (\n <>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.MessageFileField`}\n props={{\n file: uploadedFile.file,\n resetFile,\n }}\n />\n </>\n )}\n {uploadedImage.file.cid && (\n <>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.MessageImageField`}\n props={{\n file: uploadedImage.file,\n resetImage,\n }}\n />\n </>\n )}\n </Wrapper>\n <div onClick={() => setEmojiSelectorOpen(!emojiSelectorOpen)}>\n <IconEmoji />\n </div>\n <IconSend\n onClick={() => {\n if (isActive) {\n handleSendMessage();\n }\n }}\n isActive={isActive}\n />\n {emojiSelectorOpen && (\n <EmojiPopupContainer>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.EmojiSelector.EmojiSelector`}\n props={{\n OnEmojiSelected: (emoji) => addEmojiToMessage(emoji),\n }}\n key={'message-input-emoji-component'}\n />\n </EmojiPopupContainer>\n )}\n {showUpload && !uploadedFile.file.cid && !uploadedImage.file.cid && (\n <UploadPopupContainer>\n {error && <ErrorContainer>{error}</ErrorContainer>}\n <UploadContainer>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.UploadComponent`}\n props={{\n uploadedFile: uploadedImage,\n setUploadedFile: setUploadedImage,\n type: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'],\n icon: <ImageIconSvg />,\n text: 'Upload Image',\n setError: setError,\n }}\n key=\"images-component\"\n />\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.UploadComponent`}\n props={{\n uploadedFile: uploadedFile,\n setUploadedFile: setUploadedFile,\n type: ['*/*'],\n icon: <FileIconSvg />,\n text: 'Upload File',\n setError: setError,\n }}\n key=\"files-component\"\n />\n </UploadContainer>\n </UploadPopupContainer>\n )}\n </Container>\n )}\n {!canWriteMessage && (\n <Container\n style={getCustomStyle(openThread, isThread)}\n key={}\n >\n <ReadOnlyField>\n You don&apos;t have permissions to write in this channel\n </ReadOnlyField>\n </Container>\n )}\n </>\n);\n" } } } } }

Transaction Execution Plan

Convert Transaction To Receipt
Gas Burned:
2 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
9 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "calimero.near": { "widget": { "Calimero.Curb.Chat.MessageInput": { "": "const {\n componentOwnerId,\n selectedChat,\n sendMessage,\n openThread,\n isThread,\n isReadOnly,\n isOwner,\n isModerator,\n fetchAccounts,\n} = props;\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n width: 100%;\n bottom: 16px;\n padding-left: 16px;\n padding-right: 16px;\n padding-top: 12px;\n padding-bottom: 12px;\n background-color: #1d1d21;\n display: flex;\n align-items: end;\n @media (min-width: 1025px) {\n gap: 8px;\n border-radius: 4px;\n }\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n position: fixed;\n margin: 0 !important;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0px;\n border-top-left-radius: 4px;\n border-top-right-radius: 4px;\n gap: 4px;\n margin: 0px;\n padding-left: 8px;\n padding-right: 8px;\n padding-bottom: 12px;\n padding-top: 12px;\n width: 100% !important;\n }\n`;\n\nconst EmojiPopupContainer = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 70px;\n right: 2.5rem;\n`;\n\nconst UploadPopupContainer = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 46px;\n left: 16px;\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n left: 8px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst UploadContainer = styled.div`\n background-color: #25252a;\n border-radius: 2px;\n width: fit-content;\n`;\n\nconst [showUpload, setShowUpload] = useState(false);\nconst [message, setMessage] = useState('');\n//Message is cleaned in Quill after it is returned to bos components so\n//this ref is setting value from callback to be used after sending with ENTER key\nconst messageRef = useRef(null);\nconst [uploadedFile, setUploadedFile] = useState(null);\nconst [uploadedImage, setUploadedImage] = useState(null);\nconst [emojiSelectorOpen, setEmojiSelectorOpen] = useState(false);\nconst [error, setError] = useState('');\nconst [sendFromLib, setSendFromLib] = useState(false);\n\nconst handleMessageChange = useCallback((mesage) => {\n setMessage(mesage);\n}, []);\n\nconst resetFile = useCallback(() => {\n setUploadedFile(null);\n setShowUpload(false);\n}, []);\n\nconst resetImage = useCallback(() => {\n setUploadedImage(null);\n setShowUpload(false);\n}, []);\n\nconst emptyText = /^(\\s*<p><br><\\/p>\\s*)*$/;\nconst markdownParser = (text) => {\n const toHTML = text.replace(\n /(\\b(https?:\\/\\/[^\\s<]+\\/?)\\b)|^(#####|####|###|##|#) (.*)$|(@everyone)|(@here)|(@[a-z\\d]+[-_]*[a-z\\d]+[-_]*[a-z\\d]+\\.(near|testnet))|<p><br><\\/p>(?=\\s*$)/gim,\n (\n match,\n url,\n url2,\n heading,\n text,\n everyoneMention,\n hereMention,\n validMention,\n ) => {\n if (url || url2) {\n return `<a href=\"${url || url2}\" class=\"url-link\" target=\"_blank\">${\n url || url2\n }</a>`;\n } else if (heading) {\n return text;\n } else if (everyoneMention) {\n return `<span class='mention-everyone'>@everyone</span>`;\n } else if (hereMention) {\n return `<span class='mention-here'>@here</span>`;\n } else if (validMention) {\n return `<span class='mention mention-user-${validMention\n .replace('@', '')\n .replace(/\\./g, '\\\\.')\n .replace(/_/g, '\\\\_')}'>${validMention}</span>`;\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n },\n );\n\n return toHTML;\n};\n\nconst isActive =\n (message && !emptyText.test(markdownParser(message))) ||\n uploadedImage ||\n uploadedFile;\n\nconst handleSendMessage = useCallback(\n (vmValue) => {\n const messageToSend = vmValue || message;\n if (\n (uploadedFile && !uploadedFile.file.cid) ||\n (uploadedImage && !uploadedImage.file.cid)\n ) {\n return;\n } else if (\n emptyText.test(markdownParser(messageToSend)) &&\n !uploadedImage &&\n !uploadedFile\n ) {\n handleMessageChange('');\n messageRef.current = '';\n } else {\n sendMessage(\n markdownParser(messageToSend),\n uploadedImage,\n selectedChat,\n uploadedFile,\n openThread,\n );\n resetImage();\n resetFile();\n setShowUpload(false);\n setEmojiSelectorOpen(false);\n handleMessageChange('');\n messageRef.current = '';\n }\n },\n [message, uploadedImage, uploadedFile, openThread, selectedChat],\n);\n\nuseEffect(() => {\n if (sendFromLib) {\n handleSendMessage(messageRef.current);\n setSendFromLib(false);\n }\n}, [sendFromLib]);\n\n//Hack for\n//as passed handleSendMessage to input field component use staled useState values\nconst handleSendMessageFromLib = (value) => {\n messageRef.current = value;\n setSendFromLib(true);\n};\n\nconst Wrapper = styled.div`\n flex-grow: 1;\n display: contents;\n align-items: start;\n background-color: #111111;\n`;\n\nconst FullWidthWrapper = styled.div`\n display: flow;\n flex-direction: row;\n overflow: hidden;\n align-items: start;\n width: 100%;\n`;\n\n// const IconUploadWrapper = styled.div`\n// height: 34px;\n// width: 34px;\n// padding: 8px;\n// display: flex;\n// justify-content: center;\n// border-radius: 2px;\n// align-items: center;\n// :hover {\n// background-color: #686672;\n// fill: #fff;\n// }\n// cursor: pointer;\n// fill: #686672;\n// `;\n\n// const IconUpload = ({ onClick }) => (\n// <IconUploadWrapper>\n// <svg\n// onClick={onClick}\n// xmlns=\"\"\n// width=\"18\"\n// height=\"18\"\n// className=\"bi bi-plus-circle\"\n// viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\"\n// >\n// <path d=\"M8 15A7 7 0 1 1 8 1a7 7 0 0 1 0 14zm0 1A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 8 0 0 0 0 16z\" />\n// <path d=\"M8 4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v3h3a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-3v3a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3h-3a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h3v-3A.5.5 0 0 1 8 4z\" />\n// </svg>\n// </IconUploadWrapper>\n// );\n\nconst EmojiContainer = styled.div`\n fill: #686672;\n height: 2rem;\n width: 2rem;\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n cursor: pointer;\n :hover {\n fill: #ffdd1d;\n }\n`;\n\nconst IconEmojiSvg = styled.svg`\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 1.5em;\n width: 1.5em;\n`;\n\nconst IconEmoji = () => {\n return (\n <EmojiContainer>\n <IconEmojiSvg xmlns=\"\">\n <path d=\"M12 0C15.1826 0 18.2348 1.26428 20.4853 3.51472C22.7357 5.76516 24 8.8174 24 12C24 15.1826 22.7357 18.2348 20.4853 20.4853C18.2348 22.7357 15.1826 24 12 24C8.8174 24 5.76516 22.7357 3.51472 20.4853C1.26428 18.2348 0 15.1826 0 12C0 8.8174 1.26428 5.76516 3.51472 3.51472C5.76516 1.26428 8.8174 0 12 0V0ZM10.5 9.75C10.5 8.508 9.828 7.5 9 7.5C8.172 7.5 7.5 8.508 7.5 9.75C7.5 10.992 8.172 12 9 12C9.828 12 10.5 10.992 10.5 9.75ZM6.4275 14.3505C6.25525 14.45 6.12955 14.6138 6.07808 14.8059C6.0266 14.998 6.05355 15.2027 6.153 15.375C6.74532 16.4015 7.59758 17.2539 8.62401 17.8464C9.65045 18.4389 10.8148 18.7505 12 18.75C13.1851 18.7502 14.3494 18.4385 15.3758 17.846C16.4021 17.2536 17.2545 16.4013 17.847 15.375C17.897 15.2897 17.9297 15.1953 17.9431 15.0973C17.9565 14.9993 17.9504 14.8996 17.9251 14.804C17.8998 14.7084 17.8558 14.6187 17.7958 14.5401C17.7357 14.4615 17.6607 14.3956 17.575 14.3462C17.4893 14.2967 17.3947 14.2647 17.2967 14.2519C17.1986 14.2392 17.0989 14.246 17.0035 14.2719C16.908 14.2978 16.8186 14.3423 16.7405 14.4029C16.6623 14.4636 16.5969 14.539 16.548 14.625C16.0873 15.4235 15.4244 16.0866 14.626 16.5474C13.8276 17.0082 12.9219 17.2505 12 17.25C11.0781 17.2505 10.1724 17.0082 9.37399 16.5474C8.57558 16.0866 7.91267 15.4235 7.452 14.625C7.35254 14.4527 7.18873 14.3271 6.9966 14.2756C6.80447 14.2241 6.59976 14.251 6.4275 14.3505ZM14.1555 9.3855C14.1076 9.29942 14.0433 9.22361 13.9661 9.1624C13.8889 9.10119 13.8005 9.05577 13.7058 9.02875C13.6111 9.00173 13.5119 8.99363 13.4141 9.00491C13.3162 9.01619 13.2216 9.04663 13.1355 9.0945C13.0494 9.14237 12.9736 9.20672 12.9124 9.28389C12.8512 9.36105 12.8058 9.44952 12.7788 9.54423C12.7517 9.63895 12.7436 9.73806 12.7549 9.83591C12.7662 9.93375 12.7966 10.0284 12.8445 10.1145C13.3395 11.007 14.2815 11.625 15.375 11.625C16.47 11.625 17.409 11.007 17.9055 10.1145C17.9534 10.0284 17.9838 9.93375 17.9951 9.83591C18.0064 9.73806 17.9983 9.63895 17.9712 9.54423C17.9442 9.44952 17.8988 9.36105 17.8376 9.28389C17.7764 9.20672 17.7006 9.14237 17.6145 9.0945C17.5284 9.04663 17.4338 9.01619 17.3359 9.00491C17.2381 8.99363 17.1389 9.00173 17.0442 9.02875C16.9495 9.05577 16.861 9.10119 16.7839 9.1624C16.7067 9.22361 16.6424 9.29942 16.5945 9.3855C16.4761 9.60666 16.3004 9.79196 16.0859 9.92204C15.8714 10.0521 15.6259 10.1222 15.375 10.125C15.1241 10.1222 14.8786 10.0521 14.6641 9.92204C14.4496 9.79196 14.2739 9.60666 14.1555 9.3855Z\" />\n </IconEmojiSvg>\n </EmojiContainer>\n );\n};\nconst IconContainer = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 2em;\n width: 2em;\n flex: 1 0 auto;\n`;\n\nconst IconSendSvg = styled.svg`\n :hover {\n fill: #4e95ff;\n }\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 1.5em;\n width: 1.5em;\n`;\nconst IconSend = ({ onClick, isActive }) => (\n <IconContainer onClick={onClick}>\n <IconSendSvg\n xmlns=\"\"\n fill={`${isActive ? '#4E95FF' : '#686672'}`}\n >\n <path\n fillRule=\"evenodd\"\n clipRule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M23.9459 1.02895C24.0005 0.892657 24.0138 0.743347 23.9843 0.599532C23.9548 0.455718 23.8838 0.323724 23.7799 0.219914C23.6761 0.116105 23.5441 0.0450444 23.4003 0.0155432C23.2565 -0.013958 23.1072 -0.00060275 22.9709 0.0539533L1.1504 8.78245H1.1489L0.470904 9.05245C0.342489 9.10368 0.230732 9.1894 0.147977 9.30015C0.0652226 9.4109 0.0146909 9.54237 0.00196413 9.68004C-0.0107627 9.8177 0.0148107 9.95621 0.0758594 10.0803C0.136908 10.2043 0.231056 10.3091 0.347904 10.383L0.962904 10.773L0.964404 10.776L8.4569 15.543L13.2239 23.0355L13.2269 23.0385L13.6169 23.6535C13.691 23.7699 13.7959 23.8635 13.9198 23.9242C14.0438 23.9849 14.182 24.0102 14.3194 23.9973C14.4568 23.9844 14.588 23.9339 14.6986 23.8512C14.8091 23.7686 14.8947 23.6571 14.9459 23.529L23.9459 1.02895ZM21.1964 3.86395L21.9029 2.09695L20.1359 2.80345L8.8949 14.0445L9.4019 14.367C9.49494 14.426 9.57381 14.5049 9.6329 14.598L9.9554 15.105L21.1964 3.86395Z\"\n />\n </IconSendSvg>\n </IconContainer>\n);\n\nconst Placeholder = styled.div`\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 10;\n bottom: ${({ placeholderPosition }) =>\n placeholderPosition && placeholderPosition};\n left: 68px;\n color: #686672;\n font-size: 16px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n pointer-events: none;\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n font-size: 14px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n bottom: ${({ placeholderPositionMobile }) =>\n placeholderPositionMobile && placeholderPositionMobile};\n left: 56px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst getCustomStyle = (openThread) => {\n const customStyle = {\n width: 'calc(100% - 440px)',\n marginLeft: '2.5rem',\n marginRight: '2.5rem',\n };\n if (openThread && !isThread) {\n customStyle.width = 'calc(60% - 262px)';\n customStyle.marginRight = '1.25rem';\n } else if (!openThread && !isThread) {\n customStyle.width = 'calc(100% - 440px)';\n } else if (openThread && isThread) {\n customStyle.width = 'calc(40% - 212px)';\n customStyle.marginLeft = '0rem';\n customStyle.marginRight = '1.25rem';\n }\n return customStyle;\n};\n\nconst ReadOnlyField = styled.div`\n background-color: #111111;\n height: 2rem;\n border-radius: 4px;\n padding: 4px 8px 4px 8px;\n font-family: Helvetica Neue;\n font-size: 16px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n color: #797978;\n flex: 1;\n @media (max-width: 1024px) {\n font-size: 14px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n }\n`;\n\nlet canWriteMessage = false;\nif (isReadOnly) {\n if (isModerator || isOwner) {\n canWriteMessage = true;\n } else {\n canWriteMessage = false;\n }\n} else {\n canWriteMessage = true;\n}\n\nlet placeholderPosition = '16px';\nif (uploadedFile.file.cid) {\n placeholderPosition = '61px';\n} else if (uploadedImage.file.cid) {\n placeholderPosition = '86px';\n}\n\nconst [showAutocomplete, setShowAutocomplete] = useState(false);\n\nconst autoCompleteAccountId = (accountId) => {\n let text = message.replace(/[\\s]{0,1}@[^\\s]*$/, '');\n text = `${text} @${accountId}`.trim() + ' \\u200B';\n setMessage(text);\n setShowAutocomplete(false);\n};\n\nuseEffect(() => {\n const showAccountAutocomplete = /@[\\w][^\\s]*$/.test(message);\n setShowAutocomplete(showAccountAutocomplete);\n}, [message]);\n\nconst ImageIconSvg = () => (\n <svg\n width=\"24\"\n height=\"24\"\n viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n fill=\"#fff\"\n xmlns=\"\"\n >\n <path\n d=\"M15.75 12.75C15.75 13.7446 15.3549 14.6984 14.6517 15.4017C13.9484 16.1049 12.9946 16.5 12 16.5C11.0054 16.5 10.0516 16.1049 9.34835 15.4017C8.64509 14.6984 8.25 13.7446 8.25 12.75C8.25 11.7554 8.64509 10.8016 9.34835 10.0983C10.0516 9.39509 11.0054 9 12 9C12.9946 9 13.9484 9.39509 14.6517 10.0983C15.3549 10.8016 15.75 11.7554 15.75 12.75Z\"\n fill=\"white\"\n />\n <path\n d=\"M3 6C2.20435 6 1.44129 6.31607 0.87868 6.87868C0.316071 7.44129 0 8.20435 0 9V18C0 18.7956 0.316071 19.5587 0.87868 20.1213C1.44129 20.6839 2.20435 21 3 21H21C21.7956 21 22.5587 20.6839 23.1213 20.1213C23.6839 19.5587 24 18.7956 24 18V9C24 8.20435 23.6839 7.44129 23.1213 6.87868C22.5587 6.31607 21.7956 6 21 6H19.242C18.4464 5.99983 17.6835 5.68365 17.121 5.121L15.879 3.879C15.3165 3.31635 14.5536 3.00017 13.758 3H10.242C9.44641 3.00017 8.68348 3.31635 8.121 3.879L6.879 5.121C6.31652 5.68365 5.55358 5.99983 4.758 6H3ZM3.75 9C3.55109 9 3.36032 8.92098 3.21967 8.78033C3.07902 8.63968 3 8.44891 3 8.25C3 8.05109 3.07902 7.86032 3.21967 7.71967C3.36032 7.57902 3.55109 7.5 3.75 7.5C3.94891 7.5 4.13968 7.57902 4.28033 7.71967C4.42098 7.86032 4.5 8.05109 4.5 8.25C4.5 8.44891 4.42098 8.63968 4.28033 8.78033C4.13968 8.92098 3.94891 9 3.75 9ZM17.25 12.75C17.25 14.1424 16.6969 15.4777 15.7123 16.4623C14.7277 17.4469 13.3924 18 12 18C10.6076 18 9.27226 17.4469 8.28769 16.4623C7.30312 15.4777 6.75 14.1424 6.75 12.75C6.75 11.3576 7.30312 10.0223 8.28769 9.03769C9.27226 8.05312 10.6076 7.5 12 7.5C13.3924 7.5 14.7277 8.05312 15.7123 9.03769C16.6969 10.0223 17.25 11.3576 17.25 12.75Z\"\n fill=\"white\"\n />\n </svg>\n);\n\nconst FileIconSvg = () => (\n <svg\n width=\"24\"\n height=\"24\"\n viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"\n fill=\"#fff\"\n xmlns=\"\"\n >\n <g clipPath=\"url(#clip0_952_64107)\">\n <path\n d=\"M13.9395 0H6C5.20435 0 4.44129 0.316071 3.87868 0.87868C3.31607 1.44129 3 2.20435 3 3V21C3 21.7956 3.31607 22.5587 3.87868 23.1213C4.44129 23.6839 5.20435 24 6 24H18C18.7956 24 19.5587 23.6839 20.1213 23.1213C20.6839 22.5587 21 21.7956 21 21V7.0605C20.9999 6.66271 20.8418 6.28124 20.5605 6L15 0.4395C14.7188 0.158176 14.3373 8.49561e-05 13.9395 0V0ZM14.25 5.25V2.25L18.75 6.75H15.75C15.3522 6.75 14.9706 6.59196 14.6893 6.31066C14.408 6.02936 14.25 5.64782 14.25 5.25ZM9.75 8.25V9.201L10.5735 8.7255C10.6588 8.67548 10.7532 8.64283 10.8512 8.62943C10.9492 8.61603 11.0489 8.62214 11.1445 8.64743C11.2401 8.67271 11.3298 8.71665 11.4084 8.77674C11.487 8.83682 11.5529 8.91185 11.6023 8.9975C11.6518 9.08316 11.6838 9.17776 11.6966 9.27584C11.7093 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6.29748 11.5264 6.32339 11.431C6.34931 11.3355 6.39385 11.2461 6.45445 11.168C6.51505 11.0898 6.59052 11.0244 6.6765 10.9755L7.5 10.5L6.6765 10.0245C6.50565 9.92434 6.38134 9.76066 6.33072 9.56919C6.2801 9.37772 6.30727 9.174 6.40629 9.00248C6.50532 8.83096 6.66817 8.70558 6.8593 8.65369C7.05043 8.6018 7.25433 8.62761 7.4265 8.7255L8.25 9.201V8.25C8.25 8.05109 8.32902 7.86032 8.46967 7.71967C8.61032 7.57902 8.80109 7.5 9 7.5C9.19891 7.5 9.38968 7.57902 9.53033 7.71967C9.67098 7.86032 9.75 8.05109 9.75 8.25ZM6.75 15H14.25C14.4489 15 14.6397 15.079 14.7803 15.2197C14.921 15.3603 15 15.5511 15 15.75C15 15.9489 14.921 16.1397 14.7803 16.2803C14.6397 16.421 14.4489 16.5 14.25 16.5H6.75C6.55109 16.5 6.36032 16.421 6.21967 16.2803C6.07902 16.1397 6 15.9489 6 15.75C6 15.5511 6.07902 15.3603 6.21967 15.2197C6.36032 15.079 6.55109 15 6.75 15ZM6.75 18H14.25C14.4489 18 14.6397 18.079 14.7803 18.2197C14.921 18.3603 15 18.5511 15 18.75C15 18.9489 14.921 19.1397 14.7803 19.2803C14.6397 19.421 14.4489 19.5 14.25 19.5H6.75C6.55109 19.5 6.36032 19.421 6.21967 19.2803C6.07902 19.1397 6 18.9489 6 18.75C6 18.5511 6.07902 18.3603 6.21967 18.2197C6.36032 18.079 6.55109 18 6.75 18Z\"\n fill=\"white\"\n />\n </g>\n <defs>\n <clipPath id=\"clip0_952_64107\">\n <rect width=\"24\" height=\"24\" fill=\"white\" />\n </clipPath>\n </defs>\n </svg>\n);\n\nconst ErrorContainer = styled.div`\n position: relative;\n top: 0;\n padding-top: 4px;\n padding-bottom: 4px;\n padding-left: 8px;\n display: flex;\n width: 206px;\n color: #dc3545;\n font-family: Helvetica Neue;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n line-height: 150%;\n background-color: #25252a;\n border-radius: 2px;\n`;\n\nconst filterHtml = (message, emoji) => {\n if (!message) {\n return `<p>${emoji}</p>`;\n }\n const endingsToCheck = [\n '<br>',\n '<br></p>',\n '</p>',\n '</strong>',\n '<br></li></ul>',\n '</li></ul>',\n '</em>',\n '</u>',\n '<br></li></ol>',\n '</li></ol>',\n ];\n\n for (const ending of endingsToCheck) {\n if (message.endsWith(ending)) {\n const lastIndex = message.lastIndexOf(ending);\n return message.substring(0, lastIndex) + emoji + ending;\n }\n }\n};\n\nconst addEmojiToMessage = (emoji) => {\n const text = filterHtml(message, emoji);\n setMessage(text);\n};\nconst [accountData, setAccountData] = useState([]);\n\nconst debouncedFetchUsers = (value) => {\n setTimeout(\n () =>\n fetchAccounts(value.toLowerCase()).then((users) => {\n const accounts = => {\n return {\n id:,\n active:,\n };\n });\n setAccountData(accounts);\n }),\n 500,\n );\n};\n\nuseEffect(() => {\n const term = message.split('@').pop().split('<')[0];\n if (term) {\n debouncedFetchUsers(term);\n }\n}, [showAutocomplete]);\n\nreturn (\n <>\n {canWriteMessage && (\n <Container\n style={getCustomStyle(openThread, isThread)}\n key={}\n >\n {/* <IconUpload\n onClick={() => {\n setError('');\n if (!uploadedFile.file.cid && !uploadedImage.file.cid) {\n setEmojiSelectorOpen(false);\n setShowUpload(!showUpload);\n }\n }}\n /> */}\n <Wrapper>\n <FullWidthWrapper>\n <ChatInputField\n setValue={setMessage}\n value={message}\n handleMessageSend={handleSendMessageFromLib}\n />\n {showAutocomplete && accountData.length > 0 && (\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.AutocompleteList`}\n props={{\n componentOwnerId,\n onSelect: autoCompleteAccountId,\n accountData,\n }}\n />\n )}\n </FullWidthWrapper>\n {(!message || emptyText.test(markdownParser(message))) && (\n <Placeholder placeholderPosition={placeholderPosition}>\n {openThread && isThread\n ? `Reply in thread`\n : `Type message in ${selectedChat}`}\n </Placeholder>\n )}\n\n {uploadedFile.file.cid && (\n <>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.MessageFileField`}\n props={{\n file: uploadedFile.file,\n resetFile,\n }}\n />\n </>\n )}\n {uploadedImage.file.cid && (\n <>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.MessageImageField`}\n props={{\n file: uploadedImage.file,\n resetImage,\n }}\n />\n </>\n )}\n </Wrapper>\n <div onClick={() => setEmojiSelectorOpen(!emojiSelectorOpen)}>\n <IconEmoji />\n </div>\n <IconSend\n onClick={() => {\n if (isActive) {\n handleSendMessage();\n }\n }}\n isActive={isActive}\n />\n {emojiSelectorOpen && (\n <EmojiPopupContainer>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.EmojiSelector.EmojiSelector`}\n props={{\n OnEmojiSelected: (emoji) => addEmojiToMessage(emoji),\n }}\n key={'message-input-emoji-component'}\n />\n </EmojiPopupContainer>\n )}\n {showUpload && !uploadedFile.file.cid && !uploadedImage.file.cid && (\n <UploadPopupContainer>\n {error && <ErrorContainer>{error}</ErrorContainer>}\n <UploadContainer>\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.UploadComponent`}\n props={{\n uploadedFile: uploadedImage,\n setUploadedFile: setUploadedImage,\n type: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'],\n icon: <ImageIconSvg />,\n text: 'Upload Image',\n setError: setError,\n }}\n key=\"images-component\"\n />\n <Widget\n src={`${componentOwnerId}/widget/Calimero.Curb.Chat.UploadComponent`}\n props={{\n uploadedFile: uploadedFile,\n setUploadedFile: setUploadedFile,\n type: ['*/*'],\n icon: <FileIconSvg />,\n text: 'Upload File',\n setError: setError,\n }}\n key=\"files-component\"\n />\n </UploadContainer>\n </UploadPopupContainer>\n )}\n </Container>\n )}\n {!canWriteMessage && (\n <Container\n style={getCustomStyle(openThread, isThread)}\n key={}\n >\n <ReadOnlyField>\n You don&apos;t have permissions to write in this channel\n </ReadOnlyField>\n </Container>\n )}\n </>\n);\n" } } } } }
Empty result
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Predecessor ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.18813  to calimero-deployer.near
Empty result
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