
Transaction: 5cFFdMJ...XmSG

Transaction Fee
Deposit Value
Gas Used
16 Tgas
Attached Gas
100 Tgas
April 10, 2023 at 6:22:47pm


Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "adminalpha.near": { "widget": { "NearOrg.UsePage": { "": "const ipfsImages = {};\n\nfunction returnIpfsImage(cfid) {\n return {\n ipfs_cid: cfid,\n };\n}\n\nconst Wrapper = styled.div`\n --section-gap: 162px;\n --large-gap: 82px;\n --medium-gap: 48px;\n margin: calc(var(--body-top-padding) * -1) calc(var(--bs-gutter-x) * -.5) 0;\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n --section-gap: 60px;\n --large-gap: 48px;\n --medium-gap: 24px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst H1 = styled.h1`\n font: var(--text-hero);\n text-align: center;\n letter-spacing: -0.015em;\n color: var(--sand12);\n margin: 0;\n max-width: 960px;\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n font: var(--text-2xl);\n font-weight: 600;\n }\n`;\n\nconst Text = styled.p`\n font: var(--${(p) => p.size ?? \"text-base\"});\n font-weight: ${(p) => p.fontWeight};\n color: var(--${(p) => p.color ?? \"sand10\"});\n margin: 0;\n\n [href] {\n color: var(--violet8);\n &:hover {\n color: var(--violet11);\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n &:focus {\n text-decoration: underline;\n outline: none;\n }\n }\n\n ${(p) =>\n p.flex &&\n `\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n gap: 16px;\n `}\n`;\n\nconst HR = styled.div`\n width: 100%;\n height: 1px;\n background: var(--sand5);\n`;\n\nconst Flex = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n gap: ${(p) =>};\n align-items: ${(p) => p.alignItems};\n justify-content: ${(p) => p.justifyContent};\n flex-direction: ${(p) => p.direction ?? \"row\"};\n flex-wrap: ${(p) => p.wrap ?? \"nowrap\"};\n\n ${(p) =>\n p.mobileStack &&\n `\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: ${(p) =>\n p.mobileStack === true ? \"var(--section-gap)\" : p.mobileStack};\n }\n `}\n\n ${(p) =>\n p.tabletStack &&\n `\n @media (max-width: 1050px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: ${(p) =>\n p.tabletStack === true ? \"var(--section-gap)\" : p.tabletStack};\n }\n `}\n`;\n\nconst Section = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n padding: calc(var(--section-gap) / 2) var(--section-gap);\n gap: ${(p) => ?? \"var(--medium-gap)\"};\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n justify-content: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n text-align: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n background: ${(p) => p.background};\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n padding-left: var(--medium-gap);\n padding-right: var(--medium-gap);\n }\n`;\n\nconst Icon = styled.div`\n display: inline-flex;\n width: 64px;\n height: 64px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n color: ${(p) => `var(--${p.color})` ?? \"var(--sand10)\"};\n background: ${(p) => `var(--${p.backgroundColor})` ?? \"var(--sand3)\"};\n border: 1px solid ${(p) => `var(--${p.borderColor})` ?? \"var(--sand5)\"};\n\n i {\n font-size: 28px;\n line-height: 28px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst ContentWithImage = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n gap: var(--large-gap);\n\n &:nth-child(odd) {\n flex-direction: ${(p) => (p.alternate ? \"row-reverse\" : undefined)};\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n flex-direction: column !important;\n }\n`;\n\nconst ContentWithImage_Image = styled.div`\n overflow: hidden;\n border-radius: 6px;\n border: 1px solid var(--sand5);\n width: 100%;\n\n img {\n object-fit: cover;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n`;\n\nconst ContentBlock = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: flex-start;\n gap: var(--medium-gap);\n width: 100%;\n`;\n\nconst ContentBlock_Text = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: 16px;\n`;\n\nconst Card = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: ${(p) => ?? \"24px\"};\n width: 100%;\n padding: 32px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n border: 1px solid var(--sand4);\n align-items: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : \"flex-star\")};\n justify-content: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n text-align: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : \"left\")};\n background: var(--sand1);\n`;\n\nconst CircleImg = styled.img`\n display: block;\n width: 40px;\n height: 40px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n`;\n\nconst UseCase = styled.div`\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: 200px 1fr;\n gap: 32px;\n text-align: left;\n\n @media (max-width: 800px) {\n grid-template-columns: 1fr;\n }\n`;\n\nreturn (\n <Wrapper>\n <Section center>\n <H1>Your first steps to becoming a Web3 citizen</H1>\n </Section>\n\n <Section background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\">\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle-plus\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Your Account\n </Text>\n <Text>\n The account is your web3 identity and keeps all your assets\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#set-up-account\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Start Setup\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-squares-four\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Explore dApps\n </Text>\n <Text>\n dApps are decentralized applications that use the blockchain\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#explore-dapps\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Explore Now\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-globe-hemisphere-west\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Understand\n </Text>\n <Text>Become a web3 citizen and help build a better world</Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#why-it-matters\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section id=\"set-up-account\" center>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\">\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Set up your account\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n You need a wallet to use the web3. Choose a wallet that fits your\n needs.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card center gap=\"12px\">\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-wallet\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--sand10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n 1. Choose a wallet\n </Text>\n <Text>You need a wallet to create an account and use dApps</Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card center gap=\"12px\">\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle-plus\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--sand10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n 2. Create your account\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Use your wallet to create the account, and create a backup to keep\n it safe\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card center gap=\"12px\">\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-coins\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--sand10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n 3. Fund your account\n </Text>\n <Text>\n You need some $NEAR tokens in your account for most dApps to work\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Set up your account\",\n variant: \"affirmative\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\"\n id=\"explore-dapps\"\n center\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\">\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" color=\"sand12\" fontWeight=\"600\">\n Explore dApps built on NEAR\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n All these new paradigms are enabled and ensured by the core properties\n of the blockchain.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <HR />\n\n <UseCase>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"red10\">\n use case\n <br />\n <Text as=\"span\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"red10\">\n DeFi\n </Text>\n </Text>\n\n <Text>\n <b>Decentralized Finance, of DeFi,</b> lies at the core of the Web3\n movement. This sector leverages how tokens are valued and exchanged\n without the barriers to access as with traditional finance. It\n illustrates the power of ownership by giving token holders complete\n control of their assets, and allowing them pseudo-anonymity in how\n they participate.\n </Text>\n </UseCase>\n\n <Card center>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Putting community first in DeFi\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Ref.Finance\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is a community-led, multi-purpose DeFi platform built on NEAR\n Protocol.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n\n <Flex gap=\"16px\" wrap=\"wrap\" justifyContent=\"center\">\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Learn about DeFi\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore DeFi dApps\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Flex>\n\n <HR />\n\n <UseCase>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"violet10\">\n use case\n <br />\n <Text as=\"span\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"violet10\">\n NFTs\n </Text>\n </Text>\n\n <Text>\n <b>Non-Fungible Tokens</b> are unique digital assets that are\n fundamental to the idea of ownership in Web3. The assets you own are\n recorded on the blockchain and are easily verifiable from anyone in\n the world at any time. More importantly, they are immutable–no\n authority can seize them. This powerful combination of transparency\n and permanence, make NFTs a remarkable tool for various use cases\n surrounding identity and ownership.\n </Text>\n </UseCase>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n New, Fairer Ticketing with NFTs\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Seatlab\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is an NFT event ticketing marketplace helping artists foster\n closer connections with fans, eliminating fraud and reducing the\n impact of scalping.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Artists, Creators and Fans First. No Gatekeeping. No Advertising.\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Tamago\n </Text>{\" \"}\n offers a platform for decentralized audio streaming.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"16px\" wrap=\"wrap\" justifyContent=\"center\">\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Learn about NFTs\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore NFT dApps\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Flex>\n\n <HR />\n\n <UseCase>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"cyan10\">\n use case\n <br />\n <Text as=\"span\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"cyan10\">\n Social\n </Text>\n </Text>\n\n <Text>\n <b>Community thrives in Web3,</b> and the projects helping users\n freely interact and share information while maintaining ownership of\n their data give a glimpse of how connection will evolve in the open\n web.\n </Text>\n </UseCase>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Healthier planet. Healthier, wealthier you\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Sweatcoin\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is a free app which rewards your daily steps with a new-generation\n currency you can spend on cool products, donate to charity or\n convert into SWEAT.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Empowering writers both creatively and economically through\n decentralization\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Blogchain App\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is a publishing platform created for independent writers,\n providing them with a decentralized, censorship-resistant, and\n user-friendly space to engage and grow their audience.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Social dApps\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n id=\"why-it-matters\"\n background=\"linear-gradient( 132.69deg, #02042f 39.58%, #dc5656 76.56%, #dca656 99.48% );\"\n style={{\n padding: \"var(--section-gap) var(--large-gap)\",\n }}\n gap=\"var(--section-gap)\"\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"12px\" style={{ textAlign: \"center\" }}>\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"white\">\n Why it matters\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"white\">\n Our world is in urgent need of change\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex\n gap=\"var(--large-gap)\"\n tabletStack=\"var(--large-gap)\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n >\n <Flex\n gap=\"12px\"\n direction=\"column\"\n alignItems=\"flex-start\"\n style={{ width: \"100%\" }}\n >\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"white\">\n Today, our world is in crisis\n </Text>\n <Text color=\"white\">\n From climate change, to the increasing centralisation of power, the\n existential threat of a global collapse demands global action in\n every sector of society.\n </Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"small\",\n }}\n />\n </Flex>\n\n <img\n src=\"\"\n style={{\n display: \"block\",\n width: \"300px\",\n }}\n />\n\n <Flex gap=\"12px\" direction=\"column\" style={{ width: \"100%\" }}>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"white\">\n We need a more inclusive, open and fair future\n </Text>\n <Text color=\"white\">\n You can be part of this change. Become a Web3 citizen.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" style={{ textAlign: \"center\" }}>\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How Web3 on NEAR empowers you\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n The basis for an inclusive, fair and open world\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\" center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Regain ownership\n </Text>\n <Text>Your assets, your data, your identity</Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#regain-ownership\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\" center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-graph\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--cyan10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Interact freely\n </Text>\n <Text>Free flow of values and information</Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#interact-freely\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\" center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-circles-three-plus\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--red8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Participate in fair economies\n </Text>\n <Text>Value is distributed through transparent and fair rules</Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#fair-economies\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n id=\"regain-ownership\"\n background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\"\n center\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Icon color=\"violet11\" backgroundColor=\"violet3\" borderColor=\"violet5\">\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle\" />\n </Icon>\n\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Regain Ownership\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n Take control of your assets, data and identity\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Problem\n </Text>\n <Text>\n On web2 platforms like Facebook, you need to hand over control of\n your data and identity to these platforms. And they can harvest all\n this data any way they like. They manipulate you to maximize\n monetization. They control what content is on top of your feed and\n what content gets silenced/censored. You don’t really own assets on\n the platform, as they can arbitrarily decide to change the rules\n etc. – Whether it is a blue checkmark on a social network or a\n precious armor in an online game.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Solution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n In web3, you can stay in full control of your assets while using\n dApps – nobody can suddenly take them away from you.\n Blockchain-based apps are completely transparent, you can see what\n happens with your data and how the assets you give control over will\n be used. Nobody has the power to suddenly change the rules, censor\n data or take assets away.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How you can regain Ownership…\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">…with dApps available today</Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Non-custodial Wallets\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Wallets (like MyNearWallet) give you (and only you) complete\n control over your tokens, NFTs and other assets you own on the\n NEAR network\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-right\",\n label: \"Choose a Wallet\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Few & Far\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Few and Far enables creators to launch and monetize NFTs and for\n buyers and sellers to securely custody assets and hold\n self-sovereign identities.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Few & Far\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n …once Web3 is fully built out\n </Text>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Self-sovereign identity\n </Text>\n <Text>\n You will only need to reveal what is necessary about your\n information to use a certain service. You control all aspects of\n your identity and who gets access to which part of it when\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Blockchain-based registries of real-world assets\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Will enable the owner to exercise full control of their ownership.\n Selling a real estate for instance would not require a notary or any\n other legal process.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section id=\"interact-freely\" center>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Icon color=\"cyan10\" backgroundColor=\"cyan4\" borderColor=\"cyan5\">\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-graph\" />\n </Icon>\n\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Interact freely\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n Exchange information and values without being manipulated or\n controlled\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Problem\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Our interactions and relationships are increasingly surveilled.\n Content can get censored and money transfers blocked. The big social\n media platforms have total control over your interactions. The\n result: Censorship of messages, nontransparent\n filtering/prioritization of content, lock-in (you cannot take your\n social graph with you). Current financial systems disenfranchise the\n poorest and most vulnerable in the world.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Solution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n In Web3, all interactions and value transfers can happen\n permissionlessly and cannot be censored or manipulated. With the\n blockchain, we can create financial and social platforms that are\n open to everyone. This enables freedom of speech in social\n communities as well as providing financial sovereignty.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How you can interact freely…\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">…with dApps available today</Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n YouMinter\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Community-owned social platform delivering NFTs feeds to your\n mobile device, and rewards users who actively participate.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore YouMinter\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Niche\n </Text>\n <Text>\n A social app like Instagram that leverages web3. Take a photo and\n mint it as NFT with one click, share and sell it however you like.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Few & Far\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n …once Web3 is fully built out\n </Text>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n One global social network, many clients\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Imagine having your own universal social graph that you can use for\n identity verification, apps, loans, credit scoring, and more.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n New ways to get support for your passion\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Rather than donating to the causes you champion, allow others to\n invest in your efforts. The better you do, the better they do.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n id=\"fair-economies\"\n background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\"\n center\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Icon color=\"red8\" backgroundColor=\"red3\" borderColor=\"red5\">\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-circles-three-plus\" />\n </Icon>\n\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Participate in fair economies\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n New models distribute value and incentivize positive behavior\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Problem\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Today, social media shows us content that “keeps us on the hook” to\n maximize their ad revenues. Many say this is a large contributor to\n the increased divide in our society. Web2 services are usually free\n for users – but real product on these platforms are the users’ data,\n behavior and attention that is sold, usually to advertising\n companies. The platform owner as middlemen is reaping large profits\n from this, users do not get a share of the value created besides the\n free service itself.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Solution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n In Web3 economies, everyone gets their fair share, and incentives\n are fully transparent. Thereby, any collective can build its own\n functioning economy, and any person with internet access has the\n ability to participate. When the value creation and transfer within\n an economy is determined by rules on the blockchain, this cuts out\n the middleman that is controlling and monetizing today’s centralized\n platform. The result is an economic model (a.k.a. Tokenomics) that\n the community of users agree on.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"red8\" flex>\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-warning\"></i>A word of caution: Do your\n own research\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Not all economic models are sustainable: Some Web3 projects misuse\n incentives to maximize growth of their platform, and this can lead to\n unstable systems that result in crashes like the Terra/Luna/Anker\n case. Be diligent and careful before putting your money into projects.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How you can participate in fair economies…\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">…with dApps available today</Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n NEARWEEK\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Anyone can suggest news articles on the blockchain, there is a\n voting process to select the articles to be published and the\n authors of the articles get compensated when published\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Choose a Wallet\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Sweat Economy\n </Text>\n <Text>\n The SweatCoin app rewards your daily steps with a new-generation\n currency you can spend on cool products, donate to charity or\n convert into SWEAT.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Sweat Economy\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n …once Web3 is fully built out\n </Text>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Gig economies without the corporate middlemen\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Web3 rideshare apps and the gig economy will give service providers\n the lion share of the revenue they created and more flexibility,\n while passengers pay less for those services.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Education revolution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Accredited education and the Learn2Earn economy will be available to\n everyone, giving educators more autonomy and better pay while\n providing students with high-quality education without a mountain of\n debt.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section></Section>\n </Wrapper>\n);\n" } } } } }

Transaction Execution Plan

Convert Transaction To Receipt
Gas Burned:
2 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
13 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Called method: 'set' in contract: social.near
{ "data": { "adminalpha.near": { "widget": { "NearOrg.UsePage": { "": "const ipfsImages = {};\n\nfunction returnIpfsImage(cfid) {\n return {\n ipfs_cid: cfid,\n };\n}\n\nconst Wrapper = styled.div`\n --section-gap: 162px;\n --large-gap: 82px;\n --medium-gap: 48px;\n margin: calc(var(--body-top-padding) * -1) calc(var(--bs-gutter-x) * -.5) 0;\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n --section-gap: 60px;\n --large-gap: 48px;\n --medium-gap: 24px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst H1 = styled.h1`\n font: var(--text-hero);\n text-align: center;\n letter-spacing: -0.015em;\n color: var(--sand12);\n margin: 0;\n max-width: 960px;\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n font: var(--text-2xl);\n font-weight: 600;\n }\n`;\n\nconst Text = styled.p`\n font: var(--${(p) => p.size ?? \"text-base\"});\n font-weight: ${(p) => p.fontWeight};\n color: var(--${(p) => p.color ?? \"sand10\"});\n margin: 0;\n\n [href] {\n color: var(--violet8);\n &:hover {\n color: var(--violet11);\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n &:focus {\n text-decoration: underline;\n outline: none;\n }\n }\n\n ${(p) =>\n p.flex &&\n `\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n gap: 16px;\n `}\n`;\n\nconst HR = styled.div`\n width: 100%;\n height: 1px;\n background: var(--sand5);\n`;\n\nconst Flex = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n gap: ${(p) =>};\n align-items: ${(p) => p.alignItems};\n justify-content: ${(p) => p.justifyContent};\n flex-direction: ${(p) => p.direction ?? \"row\"};\n flex-wrap: ${(p) => p.wrap ?? \"nowrap\"};\n\n ${(p) =>\n p.mobileStack &&\n `\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: ${(p) =>\n p.mobileStack === true ? \"var(--section-gap)\" : p.mobileStack};\n }\n `}\n\n ${(p) =>\n p.tabletStack &&\n `\n @media (max-width: 1050px) {\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: ${(p) =>\n p.tabletStack === true ? \"var(--section-gap)\" : p.tabletStack};\n }\n `}\n`;\n\nconst Section = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n padding: calc(var(--section-gap) / 2) var(--section-gap);\n gap: ${(p) => ?? \"var(--medium-gap)\"};\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n justify-content: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n text-align: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n background: ${(p) => p.background};\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n padding-left: var(--medium-gap);\n padding-right: var(--medium-gap);\n }\n`;\n\nconst Icon = styled.div`\n display: inline-flex;\n width: 64px;\n height: 64px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n color: ${(p) => `var(--${p.color})` ?? \"var(--sand10)\"};\n background: ${(p) => `var(--${p.backgroundColor})` ?? \"var(--sand3)\"};\n border: 1px solid ${(p) => `var(--${p.borderColor})` ?? \"var(--sand5)\"};\n\n i {\n font-size: 28px;\n line-height: 28px;\n }\n`;\n\nconst ContentWithImage = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n gap: var(--large-gap);\n\n &:nth-child(odd) {\n flex-direction: ${(p) => (p.alternate ? \"row-reverse\" : undefined)};\n }\n\n @media (max-width: 900px) {\n flex-direction: column !important;\n }\n`;\n\nconst ContentWithImage_Image = styled.div`\n overflow: hidden;\n border-radius: 6px;\n border: 1px solid var(--sand5);\n width: 100%;\n\n img {\n object-fit: cover;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n`;\n\nconst ContentBlock = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: flex-start;\n gap: var(--medium-gap);\n width: 100%;\n`;\n\nconst ContentBlock_Text = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: 16px;\n`;\n\nconst Card = styled.div`\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n gap: ${(p) => ?? \"24px\"};\n width: 100%;\n padding: 32px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n border: 1px solid var(--sand4);\n align-items: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : \"flex-star\")};\n justify-content: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : undefined)};\n text-align: ${(p) => ( ? \"center\" : \"left\")};\n background: var(--sand1);\n`;\n\nconst CircleImg = styled.img`\n display: block;\n width: 40px;\n height: 40px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n`;\n\nconst UseCase = styled.div`\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: 200px 1fr;\n gap: 32px;\n text-align: left;\n\n @media (max-width: 800px) {\n grid-template-columns: 1fr;\n }\n`;\n\nreturn (\n <Wrapper>\n <Section center>\n <H1>Your first steps to becoming a Web3 citizen</H1>\n </Section>\n\n <Section background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\">\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle-plus\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Your Account\n </Text>\n <Text>\n The account is your web3 identity and keeps all your assets\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#set-up-account\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Start Setup\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-squares-four\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Explore dApps\n </Text>\n <Text>\n dApps are decentralized applications that use the blockchain\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#explore-dapps\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Explore Now\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-globe-hemisphere-west\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Understand\n </Text>\n <Text>Become a web3 citizen and help build a better world</Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#why-it-matters\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section id=\"set-up-account\" center>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\">\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Set up your account\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n You need a wallet to use the web3. Choose a wallet that fits your\n needs.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card center gap=\"12px\">\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-wallet\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--sand10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n 1. Choose a wallet\n </Text>\n <Text>You need a wallet to create an account and use dApps</Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card center gap=\"12px\">\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle-plus\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--sand10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n 2. Create your account\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Use your wallet to create the account, and create a backup to keep\n it safe\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card center gap=\"12px\">\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-coins\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--sand10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n 3. Fund your account\n </Text>\n <Text>\n You need some $NEAR tokens in your account for most dApps to work\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Set up your account\",\n variant: \"affirmative\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\"\n id=\"explore-dapps\"\n center\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\">\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" color=\"sand12\" fontWeight=\"600\">\n Explore dApps built on NEAR\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n All these new paradigms are enabled and ensured by the core properties\n of the blockchain.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <HR />\n\n <UseCase>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"red10\">\n use case\n <br />\n <Text as=\"span\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"red10\">\n DeFi\n </Text>\n </Text>\n\n <Text>\n <b>Decentralized Finance, of DeFi,</b> lies at the core of the Web3\n movement. This sector leverages how tokens are valued and exchanged\n without the barriers to access as with traditional finance. It\n illustrates the power of ownership by giving token holders complete\n control of their assets, and allowing them pseudo-anonymity in how\n they participate.\n </Text>\n </UseCase>\n\n <Card center>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Putting community first in DeFi\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Ref.Finance\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is a community-led, multi-purpose DeFi platform built on NEAR\n Protocol.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n\n <Flex gap=\"16px\" wrap=\"wrap\" justifyContent=\"center\">\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Learn about DeFi\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore DeFi dApps\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Flex>\n\n <HR />\n\n <UseCase>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"violet10\">\n use case\n <br />\n <Text as=\"span\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"violet10\">\n NFTs\n </Text>\n </Text>\n\n <Text>\n <b>Non-Fungible Tokens</b> are unique digital assets that are\n fundamental to the idea of ownership in Web3. The assets you own are\n recorded on the blockchain and are easily verifiable from anyone in\n the world at any time. More importantly, they are immutable–no\n authority can seize them. This powerful combination of transparency\n and permanence, make NFTs a remarkable tool for various use cases\n surrounding identity and ownership.\n </Text>\n </UseCase>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n New, Fairer Ticketing with NFTs\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Seatlab\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is an NFT event ticketing marketplace helping artists foster\n closer connections with fans, eliminating fraud and reducing the\n impact of scalping.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Artists, Creators and Fans First. No Gatekeeping. No Advertising.\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Tamago\n </Text>{\" \"}\n offers a platform for decentralized audio streaming.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"16px\" wrap=\"wrap\" justifyContent=\"center\">\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Learn about NFTs\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore NFT dApps\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Flex>\n\n <HR />\n\n <UseCase>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"cyan10\">\n use case\n <br />\n <Text as=\"span\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"cyan10\">\n Social\n </Text>\n </Text>\n\n <Text>\n <b>Community thrives in Web3,</b> and the projects helping users\n freely interact and share information while maintaining ownership of\n their data give a glimpse of how connection will evolve in the open\n web.\n </Text>\n </UseCase>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Healthier planet. Healthier, wealthier you\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Sweatcoin\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is a free app which rewards your daily steps with a new-generation\n currency you can spend on cool products, donate to charity or\n convert into SWEAT.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Empowering writers both creatively and economically through\n decentralization\n </Text>\n <Text>\n <Text as=\"a\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n Blogchain App\n </Text>{\" \"}\n is a publishing platform created for independent writers,\n providing them with a decentralized, censorship-resistant, and\n user-friendly space to engage and grow their audience.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Social dApps\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"large\",\n }}\n />\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n id=\"why-it-matters\"\n background=\"linear-gradient( 132.69deg, #02042f 39.58%, #dc5656 76.56%, #dca656 99.48% );\"\n style={{\n padding: \"var(--section-gap) var(--large-gap)\",\n }}\n gap=\"var(--section-gap)\"\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"12px\" style={{ textAlign: \"center\" }}>\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"white\">\n Why it matters\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" color=\"white\">\n Our world is in urgent need of change\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex\n gap=\"var(--large-gap)\"\n tabletStack=\"var(--large-gap)\"\n alignItems=\"center\"\n >\n <Flex\n gap=\"12px\"\n direction=\"column\"\n alignItems=\"flex-start\"\n style={{ width: \"100%\" }}\n >\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"white\">\n Today, our world is in crisis\n </Text>\n <Text color=\"white\">\n From climate change, to the increasing centralisation of power, the\n existential threat of a global collapse demands global action in\n every sector of society.\n </Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n size: \"small\",\n }}\n />\n </Flex>\n\n <img\n src=\"\"\n style={{\n display: \"block\",\n width: \"300px\",\n }}\n />\n\n <Flex gap=\"12px\" direction=\"column\" style={{ width: \"100%\" }}>\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"white\">\n We need a more inclusive, open and fair future\n </Text>\n <Text color=\"white\">\n You can be part of this change. Become a Web3 citizen.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" style={{ textAlign: \"center\" }}>\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How Web3 on NEAR empowers you\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n The basis for an inclusive, fair and open world\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\" center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--violet8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Regain ownership\n </Text>\n <Text>Your assets, your data, your identity</Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#regain-ownership\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\" center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-graph\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--cyan10)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Interact freely\n </Text>\n <Text>Free flow of values and information</Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#interact-freely\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\" center>\n <i\n className=\"ph-duotone ph-circles-three-plus\"\n style={{ color: \"var(--red8)\", fontSize: \"32px\" }}\n />\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Participate in fair economies\n </Text>\n <Text>Value is distributed through transparent and fair rules</Text>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#fair-economies\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-down\",\n label: \"Learn More\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n id=\"regain-ownership\"\n background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\"\n center\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Icon color=\"violet11\" backgroundColor=\"violet3\" borderColor=\"violet5\">\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-user-circle\" />\n </Icon>\n\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Regain Ownership\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n Take control of your assets, data and identity\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Problem\n </Text>\n <Text>\n On web2 platforms like Facebook, you need to hand over control of\n your data and identity to these platforms. And they can harvest all\n this data any way they like. They manipulate you to maximize\n monetization. They control what content is on top of your feed and\n what content gets silenced/censored. You don’t really own assets on\n the platform, as they can arbitrarily decide to change the rules\n etc. – Whether it is a blue checkmark on a social network or a\n precious armor in an online game.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Solution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n In web3, you can stay in full control of your assets while using\n dApps – nobody can suddenly take them away from you.\n Blockchain-based apps are completely transparent, you can see what\n happens with your data and how the assets you give control over will\n be used. Nobody has the power to suddenly change the rules, censor\n data or take assets away.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How you can regain Ownership…\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">…with dApps available today</Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Non-custodial Wallets\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Wallets (like MyNearWallet) give you (and only you) complete\n control over your tokens, NFTs and other assets you own on the\n NEAR network\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"#todo\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-right\",\n label: \"Choose a Wallet\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Few & Far\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Few and Far enables creators to launch and monetize NFTs and for\n buyers and sellers to securely custody assets and hold\n self-sovereign identities.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Few & Far\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n …once Web3 is fully built out\n </Text>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Self-sovereign identity\n </Text>\n <Text>\n You will only need to reveal what is necessary about your\n information to use a certain service. You control all aspects of\n your identity and who gets access to which part of it when\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Blockchain-based registries of real-world assets\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Will enable the owner to exercise full control of their ownership.\n Selling a real estate for instance would not require a notary or any\n other legal process.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section id=\"interact-freely\" center>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Icon color=\"cyan10\" backgroundColor=\"cyan4\" borderColor=\"cyan5\">\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-graph\" />\n </Icon>\n\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Interact freely\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n Exchange information and values without being manipulated or\n controlled\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Problem\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Our interactions and relationships are increasingly surveilled.\n Content can get censored and money transfers blocked. The big social\n media platforms have total control over your interactions. The\n result: Censorship of messages, nontransparent\n filtering/prioritization of content, lock-in (you cannot take your\n social graph with you). Current financial systems disenfranchise the\n poorest and most vulnerable in the world.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Solution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n In Web3, all interactions and value transfers can happen\n permissionlessly and cannot be censored or manipulated. With the\n blockchain, we can create financial and social platforms that are\n open to everyone. This enables freedom of speech in social\n communities as well as providing financial sovereignty.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How you can interact freely…\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">…with dApps available today</Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n YouMinter\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Community-owned social platform delivering NFTs feeds to your\n mobile device, and rewards users who actively participate.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore YouMinter\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Niche\n </Text>\n <Text>\n A social app like Instagram that leverages web3. Take a photo and\n mint it as NFT with one click, share and sell it however you like.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Few & Far\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n …once Web3 is fully built out\n </Text>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n One global social network, many clients\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Imagine having your own universal social graph that you can use for\n identity verification, apps, loans, credit scoring, and more.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n New ways to get support for your passion\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Rather than donating to the causes you champion, allow others to\n invest in your efforts. The better you do, the better they do.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section\n id=\"fair-economies\"\n background=\"linear-gradient(to right, hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0), var(--sand3), hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0))\"\n center\n >\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"16px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Icon color=\"red8\" backgroundColor=\"red3\" borderColor=\"red5\">\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-circles-three-plus\" />\n </Icon>\n\n <Text as=\"h2\" size=\"text-3xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Participate in fair economies\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">\n New models distribute value and incentivize positive behavior\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Problem\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Today, social media shows us content that “keeps us on the hook” to\n maximize their ad revenues. Many say this is a large contributor to\n the increased divide in our society. Web2 services are usually free\n for users – but real product on these platforms are the users’ data,\n behavior and attention that is sold, usually to advertising\n companies. The platform owner as middlemen is reaping large profits\n from this, users do not get a share of the value created besides the\n free service itself.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n The Solution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n In Web3 economies, everyone gets their fair share, and incentives\n are fully transparent. Thereby, any collective can build its own\n functioning economy, and any person with internet access has the\n ability to participate. When the value creation and transfer within\n an economy is determined by rules on the blockchain, this cuts out\n the middleman that is controlling and monetizing today’s centralized\n platform. The result is an economic model (a.k.a. Tokenomics) that\n the community of users agree on.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"red8\" flex>\n <i className=\"ph-duotone ph-warning\"></i>A word of caution: Do your\n own research\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Not all economic models are sustainable: Some Web3 projects misuse\n incentives to maximize growth of their platform, and this can lead to\n unstable systems that result in crashes like the Terra/Luna/Anker\n case. Be diligent and careful before putting your money into projects.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\" alignItems=\"center\">\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n How you can participate in fair economies…\n </Text>\n <Text size=\"text-l\">…with dApps available today</Text>\n </Flex>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n NEARWEEK\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Anyone can suggest news articles on the blockchain, there is a\n voting process to select the articles to be published and the\n authors of the articles get compensated when published\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Choose a Wallet\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n\n <Card>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n <CircleImg src=\"\" />\n </a>\n <Flex direction=\"column\" gap=\"8px\">\n <Text size=\"text-xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Sweat Economy\n </Text>\n <Text>\n The SweatCoin app rewards your daily steps with a new-generation\n currency you can spend on cool products, donate to charity or\n convert into SWEAT.\n </Text>\n </Flex>\n <Widget\n src=\"adminalpha.near/widget/DIG.Button\"\n props={{\n href: \"\",\n target: \"_blank\",\n iconRight: \"ph-bold ph-arrow-up-right\",\n label: \"Explore Sweat Economy\",\n variant: \"primary\",\n fill: \"outline\",\n }}\n />\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n\n <Text as=\"h3\" size=\"text-2xl\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n …once Web3 is fully built out\n </Text>\n\n <Flex gap=\"24px\" mobileStack=\"24px\">\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Gig economies without the corporate middlemen\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Web3 rideshare apps and the gig economy will give service providers\n the lion share of the revenue they created and more flexibility,\n while passengers pay less for those services.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n\n <Card gap=\"12px\">\n <Text size=\"text-l\" fontWeight=\"600\" color=\"sand12\">\n Education revolution\n </Text>\n <Text>\n Accredited education and the Learn2Earn economy will be available to\n everyone, giving educators more autonomy and better pay while\n providing students with high-quality education without a mountain of\n debt.\n </Text>\n </Card>\n </Flex>\n </Section>\n\n <Section></Section>\n </Wrapper>\n);\n" } } } } }
Empty result
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Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.01768  to adminalpha.near
Empty result
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