
Transaction: 5Hco7Tv...WpA7

Signed by
Transaction Fee
Deposit Value
Gas Used
14 Tgas
Attached Gas
200 Tgas
March 28, 2023 at 3:08:03pm


Called method: 'register_indexer_function' in contract: registry.queryapi.near
{ "function_name": "alphaindexer", "code": "\n function base64decode(encodedValue) {\n let buff = Buffer.from(encodedValue, \"base64\");\n return JSON.parse(buff.toString(\"utf-8\"));\n }\n\n async function handlePostCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n receiptId,\n content\n ) {\n try {\n // Define mutationData object with post data\n const mutationData = {\n post: {\n account_id: accountId,\n block_height: blockHeight,\n block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n content: content,\n receipt_id: receiptId,\n },\n };\n\n // Call GraphQL mutation to insert a new post\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation createPost($post: roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts_insert_input!){\n insert_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts_one(\n object: $post\n ) {\n account_id\n block_height\n }\n }`,\n mutationData\n );\n // await prisma.posts.create({\n // data: {\n // account_id: accountId,\n // receipt_id: receiptId,\n // block_height: blockHeight,\n // block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n // content,\n // }\n // })\n console.log(`Post by ${accountId} has been added to the database`);\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store post by ${accountId} to the database (perhaps it already stored)`\n );\n }\n }\n\n async function handleCommentCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n receiptId,\n commentString\n ) {\n const comment = JSON.parse(commentString);\n const postAuthor = comment.item.path.split(\"/\")[0];\n const postBlockHeight = comment.item.blockHeight;\n\n // find post to retrieve Id or print a warning that we don't have it\n try {\n // Call GraphQL query to fetch posts that match specified criteria\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($accountId: String = \"$accountId\", $blockHeight: numeric = \"$blockHeight\"){\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {\n account_id: {_eq: $accountId},\n block_height: {_eq: $blockHeight}\n },\n limit: 1\n ) {\n account_id\n accounts_liked\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n id\n }\n }`,\n {\n accountId: postAuthor,\n blockHeight: postBlockHeight,\n }\n );\n if (posts.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n console.log(\n `Found the following posts, ${posts}`\n );\n const post = posts[0];\n console.log(\n `Adding Comment to the following post ${postAuthor}/${postBlockHeight}, ${post}`\n );\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findFirstOrThrow({\n // where: {\n // account_id: postAuthor,\n // block_height: postBlockHeight,\n // }\n // })\n try {\n delete comment[\"item\"];\n const mutationData = {\n comment: {\n account_id: accountId,\n receipt_id: receiptId,\n block_height: blockHeight,\n block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n content: JSON.stringify(comment),\n post_id:,\n },\n };\n console.log(\n `creating comment by ${accountId} with content ${mutationData.comment.content}has been added to the database`\n );\n // Call GraphQL mutation to insert a new comment\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation createComment($comment: roshaan_near_alphaindexer_comments_insert_input!){\n insert_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_comments_one(\n object: $comment\n ) {\n account_id\n receipt_id\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n post_id\n }\n }`,\n mutationData\n );\n // await prisma.comments.create({\n // data: {\n // post_id:,\n // account_id: accountId,\n // receipt_id: receiptId,\n // block_height: blockHeight,\n // block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n // content: JSON.stringify(comment),\n // }\n // })\n console.log(`Comment by ${accountId} has been added to the database`);\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store comment to the post ${postAuthor}/${postBlockHeight} by ${accountId} perhaps it has already been stored. Error ${e}`\n );\n }\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store comment to the post ${postAuthor}/${postBlockHeight} as we don't have the post stored.`\n );\n }\n }\n\n async function handleLike(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n receiptId,\n likeContent\n ) {\n const like = JSON.parse(likeContent);\n const likeAction = like.value.type; // like or unlike\n const [itemAuthor, _, itemType] = like.key.path.split(\"/\", 3);\n const itemBlockHeight = like.key.blockHeight;\n switch (itemType) {\n case \"main\":\n try {\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($accountId: String = \"$accountId\", $blockHeight: numeric = \"$blockHeight\"){\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {\n account_id: {_eq: $accountId},\n block_height: {_eq: $blockHeight}\n },\n limit: 1\n ) {\n account_id\n accounts_liked\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n id\n }\n }`,\n {\n accountId: itemAuthor,\n blockHeight: itemBlockHeight,\n }\n );\n if (posts.length == 0) {\n return;\n }\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findFirstOrThrow({\n // where: {\n // account_id: itemAuthor,\n // block_height: itemBlockHeight,\n // }\n // })\n const post = posts[0];\n switch (likeAction) {\n case \"like\":\n await _handlePostLike(\n,\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp\n );\n break;\n case \"unlike\":\n default:\n await _handlePostUnlike(, accountId);\n break;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store like to post ${itemAuthor}/${itemBlockHeight} as we don't have it stored in the first place.`\n );\n }\n break;\n case \"comment\":\n // Comment\n console.log(`Likes to comments are not supported yet. Skipping`);\n break;\n default:\n // something else\n console.log(`Got unsupported like type \"${itemType}\". Skipping...`);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n async function _handlePostLike(\n postId,\n likeAuthorAccountId,\n likeBlockHeight,\n blockTimestamp\n ) {\n try {\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findUnique({\n // where: {\n // id: postId,\n // }\n // });\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($postId: Int!) {\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(where: { id: { _eq: $postId } }) {\n id\n account_id\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n accounts_liked\n }\n}`,\n { postId: postId }\n );\n if (posts.length == 0) {\n return;\n }\n const post = posts[0];\n let accountsLiked = post.accounts_liked;\n\n // it's a hacky workaround since Prims.JsonArray can't be converted into a Set\n // and back. There is old related issue\n if (accountsLiked.indexOf(likeAuthorAccountId) === -1) {\n accountsLiked.push(likeAuthorAccountId);\n }\n\n // Call GraphQL mutation to update a post's liked accounts list\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation updatePost($postId: Int!, $likedAccount: String!){\n update_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {id: {_eq: $postId}}\n _append: {accounts_liked: $likedAccount}\n ) {\n id\n accounts_liked\n }\n }`,\n {\n postId: postId,\n likedAccount: accountsLiked,\n }\n );\n // await prisma.posts.update({\n // where: {\n // id: postId,\n // },\n // data: {\n // accounts_liked: accountsLiked,\n // }\n // });\n const postLikeMutation = {\n post_id: postId,\n account_id: likeAuthorAccountId,\n block_height: likeBlockHeight,\n block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n };\n // Call GraphQL mutation to insert a new like for a post\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation createPostLike($postLike: roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts_likes_insert_input){\n insert_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_post_likes_one(\n object: $postLike\n ) {\n post_id\n account_id\n }\n }`,\n postLikeMutation\n );\n // await prisma.post_likes.create({\n // data: {\n // post_id: postId,\n // account_id: likeAuthorAccountId,\n // block_height: likeBlockHeight,\n // block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n // }\n // })\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(`Failed to store like to in the database: ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async function _handlePostUnlike(postId, likeAuthorAccountId) {\n try {\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findUnique({\n // where: {\n // id: postId,\n // }\n // });\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($postId: Int!) {\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(where: { id: { _eq: $postId } }) {\n id\n account_id\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n accounts_liked\n }\n}`,\n { postId: postId }\n );\n if (posts.length == 0) {\n return;\n }\n const post = posts[0];\n let accountsLiked = post.accounts_liked;\n let indexOfLikeAuthorAccountIdInPost =\n accountsLiked.indexOf(likeAuthorAccountId);\n if (indexOfLikeAuthorAccountIdInPost >= -1) {\n delete accountsLiked[indexOfLikeAuthorAccountIdInPost];\n // Call GraphQL mutation to update a post's liked accounts list\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation updatePost($postId: Int!, $likedAccount: String!){\n update_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {id: {_eq: $postId}}\n _append: {accounts_liked: $likedAccount}\n ) {\n id\n accounts_liked\n }\n }`,\n {\n postId: postId,\n likedAccount: accountsLiked,\n }\n );\n // await prisma.posts.update({\n // where: {\n // id: postId\n // },\n // data: {\n // accounts_liked: accountsLiked,\n // }\n // });\n }\n // Call GraphQL mutation to delete a like for a post\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation deletePostLike($accountId: String!, $postId: Numeric!){\n delete_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_post_likes(\n where: {\n _and: [\n {account_id: {_eq: $accountId}},\n {post_id: {_eq: $postId}}\n ]\n }\n ) {\n returning {\n post_id\n account_id\n }\n }\n }`,\n {\n accountId: likeAuthorAccountId,\n postId: postId,\n }\n );\n // await prisma.post_likes.delete({\n // where: {\n // post_id_account_id: {\n // post_id: postId,\n // account_id: likeAuthorAccountId,\n // },\n // }\n // })\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(`Failed to delete like from the database: ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n // Add your code here\n const SOCIAL_DB = \"social.near\";\n\n const nearSocialPosts = block\n .actions()\n .filter((action) => action.receiverId === SOCIAL_DB)\n .flatMap((action) =>\n action.operations\n .map((operation) => operation[\"FunctionCall\"])\n .filter((operation) => operation?.methodName === \"set\")\n .map((functionCallOperation) => ({\n ...functionCallOperation,\n args: base64decode(functionCallOperation.args),\n receiptId: action.receiptId, // providing receiptId as we need it\n }))\n .filter((functionCall) => {\n const accountId = Object.keys([0];\n return (\n Object.keys([accountId]).includes(\"post\") ||\n Object.keys([accountId]).includes(\"index\")\n );\n })\n );\n\n if (nearSocialPosts.length > 0) {\n const blockHeight = block.blockHeight;\n const blockTimestamp = block.header().timestampNanosec;\n await Promise.all(\n (postAction) => {\n const accountId = Object.keys([0];\n console.log(`ACCOUNT_ID: ${accountId}`);\n\n // if creates a post\n if (\n[accountId].post &&\n Object.keys([accountId].post).includes(\"main\")\n ) {\n console.log(\"Creating a post...\");\n await handlePostCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n postAction.receiptId,\n[accountId].post.main\n );\n } else if (\n[accountId].post &&\n Object.keys([accountId].post).includes(\"comment\")\n ) {\n // if creates a comment\n await handleCommentCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n postAction.receiptId,\n[accountId].post.comment\n );\n } else if (\n Object.keys([accountId]).includes(\"index\")\n ) {\n // Probably like or unlike action is happening\n if (\n Object.keys([accountId].index).includes(\"like\")\n ) {\n await handleLike(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n postAction.receiptId,\n[accountId]\n );\n }\n }\n })\n );\n }\n", "schema": "CREATE TABLE\n \"posts\" (\n \"id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"account_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"block_height\" DECIMAL(58, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"receipt_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"content\" TEXT NOT NULL,\n \"block_timestamp\" DECIMAL(20, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"accounts_liked\" JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',\n CONSTRAINT \"posts_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")\n );\n\nCREATE TABLE\n \"comments\" (\n \"id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"post_id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"account_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"block_height\" DECIMAL(58, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"content\" TEXT NOT NULL,\n \"block_timestamp\" DECIMAL(20, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"receipt_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n CONSTRAINT \"comments_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")\n );\n\nCREATE TABLE\n \"post_likes\" (\n \"post_id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"account_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"block_height\" DECIMAL(58, 0),\n \"block_timestamp\" DECIMAL(20, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"receipt_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n CONSTRAINT \"post_likes_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"post_id\", \"account_id\")\n );\n\nCREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"posts_account_id_block_height_key\" ON \"posts\" (\"account_id\" ASC, \"block_height\" ASC);\n\nCREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"comments_post_id_account_id_block_height_key\" ON \"comments\" (\n \"post_id\" ASC,\n \"account_id\" ASC,\n \"block_height\" ASC\n);\n\nALTER TABLE\n \"comments\"\nADD\n CONSTRAINT \"comments_post_id_fkey\" FOREIGN KEY (\"post_id\") REFERENCES \"posts\" (\"id\") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;\n\nALTER TABLE\n \"post_likes\"\nADD\n CONSTRAINT \"post_likes_post_id_fkey\" FOREIGN KEY (\"post_id\") REFERENCES \"posts\" (\"id\") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;\n" }

Transaction Execution Plan

Convert Transaction To Receipt
Gas Burned:
2 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Predecessor ID:
Gas Burned:
11 Tgas
Tokens Burned:
Called method: 'register_indexer_function' in contract: registry.queryapi.near
{ "function_name": "alphaindexer", "code": "\n function base64decode(encodedValue) {\n let buff = Buffer.from(encodedValue, \"base64\");\n return JSON.parse(buff.toString(\"utf-8\"));\n }\n\n async function handlePostCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n receiptId,\n content\n ) {\n try {\n // Define mutationData object with post data\n const mutationData = {\n post: {\n account_id: accountId,\n block_height: blockHeight,\n block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n content: content,\n receipt_id: receiptId,\n },\n };\n\n // Call GraphQL mutation to insert a new post\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation createPost($post: roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts_insert_input!){\n insert_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts_one(\n object: $post\n ) {\n account_id\n block_height\n }\n }`,\n mutationData\n );\n // await prisma.posts.create({\n // data: {\n // account_id: accountId,\n // receipt_id: receiptId,\n // block_height: blockHeight,\n // block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n // content,\n // }\n // })\n console.log(`Post by ${accountId} has been added to the database`);\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store post by ${accountId} to the database (perhaps it already stored)`\n );\n }\n }\n\n async function handleCommentCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n receiptId,\n commentString\n ) {\n const comment = JSON.parse(commentString);\n const postAuthor = comment.item.path.split(\"/\")[0];\n const postBlockHeight = comment.item.blockHeight;\n\n // find post to retrieve Id or print a warning that we don't have it\n try {\n // Call GraphQL query to fetch posts that match specified criteria\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($accountId: String = \"$accountId\", $blockHeight: numeric = \"$blockHeight\"){\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {\n account_id: {_eq: $accountId},\n block_height: {_eq: $blockHeight}\n },\n limit: 1\n ) {\n account_id\n accounts_liked\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n id\n }\n }`,\n {\n accountId: postAuthor,\n blockHeight: postBlockHeight,\n }\n );\n if (posts.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n console.log(\n `Found the following posts, ${posts}`\n );\n const post = posts[0];\n console.log(\n `Adding Comment to the following post ${postAuthor}/${postBlockHeight}, ${post}`\n );\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findFirstOrThrow({\n // where: {\n // account_id: postAuthor,\n // block_height: postBlockHeight,\n // }\n // })\n try {\n delete comment[\"item\"];\n const mutationData = {\n comment: {\n account_id: accountId,\n receipt_id: receiptId,\n block_height: blockHeight,\n block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n content: JSON.stringify(comment),\n post_id:,\n },\n };\n console.log(\n `creating comment by ${accountId} with content ${mutationData.comment.content}has been added to the database`\n );\n // Call GraphQL mutation to insert a new comment\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation createComment($comment: roshaan_near_alphaindexer_comments_insert_input!){\n insert_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_comments_one(\n object: $comment\n ) {\n account_id\n receipt_id\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n post_id\n }\n }`,\n mutationData\n );\n // await prisma.comments.create({\n // data: {\n // post_id:,\n // account_id: accountId,\n // receipt_id: receiptId,\n // block_height: blockHeight,\n // block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n // content: JSON.stringify(comment),\n // }\n // })\n console.log(`Comment by ${accountId} has been added to the database`);\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store comment to the post ${postAuthor}/${postBlockHeight} by ${accountId} perhaps it has already been stored. Error ${e}`\n );\n }\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store comment to the post ${postAuthor}/${postBlockHeight} as we don't have the post stored.`\n );\n }\n }\n\n async function handleLike(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n receiptId,\n likeContent\n ) {\n const like = JSON.parse(likeContent);\n const likeAction = like.value.type; // like or unlike\n const [itemAuthor, _, itemType] = like.key.path.split(\"/\", 3);\n const itemBlockHeight = like.key.blockHeight;\n switch (itemType) {\n case \"main\":\n try {\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($accountId: String = \"$accountId\", $blockHeight: numeric = \"$blockHeight\"){\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {\n account_id: {_eq: $accountId},\n block_height: {_eq: $blockHeight}\n },\n limit: 1\n ) {\n account_id\n accounts_liked\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n id\n }\n }`,\n {\n accountId: itemAuthor,\n blockHeight: itemBlockHeight,\n }\n );\n if (posts.length == 0) {\n return;\n }\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findFirstOrThrow({\n // where: {\n // account_id: itemAuthor,\n // block_height: itemBlockHeight,\n // }\n // })\n const post = posts[0];\n switch (likeAction) {\n case \"like\":\n await _handlePostLike(\n,\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp\n );\n break;\n case \"unlike\":\n default:\n await _handlePostUnlike(, accountId);\n break;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(\n `Failed to store like to post ${itemAuthor}/${itemBlockHeight} as we don't have it stored in the first place.`\n );\n }\n break;\n case \"comment\":\n // Comment\n console.log(`Likes to comments are not supported yet. Skipping`);\n break;\n default:\n // something else\n console.log(`Got unsupported like type \"${itemType}\". Skipping...`);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n async function _handlePostLike(\n postId,\n likeAuthorAccountId,\n likeBlockHeight,\n blockTimestamp\n ) {\n try {\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findUnique({\n // where: {\n // id: postId,\n // }\n // });\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($postId: Int!) {\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(where: { id: { _eq: $postId } }) {\n id\n account_id\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n accounts_liked\n }\n}`,\n { postId: postId }\n );\n if (posts.length == 0) {\n return;\n }\n const post = posts[0];\n let accountsLiked = post.accounts_liked;\n\n // it's a hacky workaround since Prims.JsonArray can't be converted into a Set\n // and back. There is old related issue\n if (accountsLiked.indexOf(likeAuthorAccountId) === -1) {\n accountsLiked.push(likeAuthorAccountId);\n }\n\n // Call GraphQL mutation to update a post's liked accounts list\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation updatePost($postId: Int!, $likedAccount: String!){\n update_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {id: {_eq: $postId}}\n _append: {accounts_liked: $likedAccount}\n ) {\n id\n accounts_liked\n }\n }`,\n {\n postId: postId,\n likedAccount: accountsLiked,\n }\n );\n // await prisma.posts.update({\n // where: {\n // id: postId,\n // },\n // data: {\n // accounts_liked: accountsLiked,\n // }\n // });\n const postLikeMutation = {\n post_id: postId,\n account_id: likeAuthorAccountId,\n block_height: likeBlockHeight,\n block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n };\n // Call GraphQL mutation to insert a new like for a post\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation createPostLike($postLike: roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts_likes_insert_input){\n insert_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_post_likes_one(\n object: $postLike\n ) {\n post_id\n account_id\n }\n }`,\n postLikeMutation\n );\n // await prisma.post_likes.create({\n // data: {\n // post_id: postId,\n // account_id: likeAuthorAccountId,\n // block_height: likeBlockHeight,\n // block_timestamp: blockTimestamp,\n // }\n // })\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(`Failed to store like to in the database: ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n async function _handlePostUnlike(postId, likeAuthorAccountId) {\n try {\n // const post = await prisma.posts.findUnique({\n // where: {\n // id: postId,\n // }\n // });\n const posts = await context.graphql(\n `query getPosts($postId: Int!) {\n roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(where: { id: { _eq: $postId } }) {\n id\n account_id\n block_height\n block_timestamp\n content\n accounts_liked\n }\n}`,\n { postId: postId }\n );\n if (posts.length == 0) {\n return;\n }\n const post = posts[0];\n let accountsLiked = post.accounts_liked;\n let indexOfLikeAuthorAccountIdInPost =\n accountsLiked.indexOf(likeAuthorAccountId);\n if (indexOfLikeAuthorAccountIdInPost >= -1) {\n delete accountsLiked[indexOfLikeAuthorAccountIdInPost];\n // Call GraphQL mutation to update a post's liked accounts list\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation updatePost($postId: Int!, $likedAccount: String!){\n update_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_posts(\n where: {id: {_eq: $postId}}\n _append: {accounts_liked: $likedAccount}\n ) {\n id\n accounts_liked\n }\n }`,\n {\n postId: postId,\n likedAccount: accountsLiked,\n }\n );\n // await prisma.posts.update({\n // where: {\n // id: postId\n // },\n // data: {\n // accounts_liked: accountsLiked,\n // }\n // });\n }\n // Call GraphQL mutation to delete a like for a post\n await context.graphql(\n `mutation deletePostLike($accountId: String!, $postId: Numeric!){\n delete_roshaan_near_alphaindexer_post_likes(\n where: {\n _and: [\n {account_id: {_eq: $accountId}},\n {post_id: {_eq: $postId}}\n ]\n }\n ) {\n returning {\n post_id\n account_id\n }\n }\n }`,\n {\n accountId: likeAuthorAccountId,\n postId: postId,\n }\n );\n // await prisma.post_likes.delete({\n // where: {\n // post_id_account_id: {\n // post_id: postId,\n // account_id: likeAuthorAccountId,\n // },\n // }\n // })\n } catch (e) {\n console.log(`Failed to delete like from the database: ${e}`);\n }\n }\n\n // Add your code here\n const SOCIAL_DB = \"social.near\";\n\n const nearSocialPosts = block\n .actions()\n .filter((action) => action.receiverId === SOCIAL_DB)\n .flatMap((action) =>\n action.operations\n .map((operation) => operation[\"FunctionCall\"])\n .filter((operation) => operation?.methodName === \"set\")\n .map((functionCallOperation) => ({\n ...functionCallOperation,\n args: base64decode(functionCallOperation.args),\n receiptId: action.receiptId, // providing receiptId as we need it\n }))\n .filter((functionCall) => {\n const accountId = Object.keys([0];\n return (\n Object.keys([accountId]).includes(\"post\") ||\n Object.keys([accountId]).includes(\"index\")\n );\n })\n );\n\n if (nearSocialPosts.length > 0) {\n const blockHeight = block.blockHeight;\n const blockTimestamp = block.header().timestampNanosec;\n await Promise.all(\n (postAction) => {\n const accountId = Object.keys([0];\n console.log(`ACCOUNT_ID: ${accountId}`);\n\n // if creates a post\n if (\n[accountId].post &&\n Object.keys([accountId].post).includes(\"main\")\n ) {\n console.log(\"Creating a post...\");\n await handlePostCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n postAction.receiptId,\n[accountId].post.main\n );\n } else if (\n[accountId].post &&\n Object.keys([accountId].post).includes(\"comment\")\n ) {\n // if creates a comment\n await handleCommentCreation(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n postAction.receiptId,\n[accountId].post.comment\n );\n } else if (\n Object.keys([accountId]).includes(\"index\")\n ) {\n // Probably like or unlike action is happening\n if (\n Object.keys([accountId].index).includes(\"like\")\n ) {\n await handleLike(\n accountId,\n blockHeight,\n blockTimestamp,\n postAction.receiptId,\n[accountId]\n );\n }\n }\n })\n );\n }\n", "schema": "CREATE TABLE\n \"posts\" (\n \"id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"account_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"block_height\" DECIMAL(58, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"receipt_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"content\" TEXT NOT NULL,\n \"block_timestamp\" DECIMAL(20, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"accounts_liked\" JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',\n CONSTRAINT \"posts_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")\n );\n\nCREATE TABLE\n \"comments\" (\n \"id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"post_id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"account_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"block_height\" DECIMAL(58, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"content\" TEXT NOT NULL,\n \"block_timestamp\" DECIMAL(20, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"receipt_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n CONSTRAINT \"comments_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"id\")\n );\n\nCREATE TABLE\n \"post_likes\" (\n \"post_id\" SERIAL NOT NULL,\n \"account_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"block_height\" DECIMAL(58, 0),\n \"block_timestamp\" DECIMAL(20, 0) NOT NULL,\n \"receipt_id\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n CONSTRAINT \"post_likes_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"post_id\", \"account_id\")\n );\n\nCREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"posts_account_id_block_height_key\" ON \"posts\" (\"account_id\" ASC, \"block_height\" ASC);\n\nCREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"comments_post_id_account_id_block_height_key\" ON \"comments\" (\n \"post_id\" ASC,\n \"account_id\" ASC,\n \"block_height\" ASC\n);\n\nALTER TABLE\n \"comments\"\nADD\n CONSTRAINT \"comments_post_id_fkey\" FOREIGN KEY (\"post_id\") REFERENCES \"posts\" (\"id\") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;\n\nALTER TABLE\n \"post_likes\"\nADD\n CONSTRAINT \"post_likes_post_id_fkey\" FOREIGN KEY (\"post_id\") REFERENCES \"posts\" (\"id\") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;\n" }
Empty result
Registering function with account and function_name roshaan.near/alphaindexer
Predecessor ID:
Receiver ID:
Gas Burned:
223 Ggas
Tokens Burned:
Transferred 0.06893  to roshaan.near
Empty result
No logs