
Block #38953142

Gas Used
2 Tgas
Gas Price
0.0001 Ⓝ/Tgas
June 02, 2021 at 12:50:33pm


Called method: 'claim_assignment' in contract: app.nearcrowd.near
Succeeded 2 years ago
Batch Transaction
Succeeded 2 years ago
Key deleted: ed25519:3DZfyPp...
Key deleted: ed25519:9b4ehW3...
Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:3DZfyPp...

with permission to call (add_request, add_request_and_confirm, delete_request, confirm) methods

Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:9b4ehW3...

with permission to call (add_request, add_request_and_confirm, delete_request, confirm) methods

Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:DKoGns1...

with permission to call (confirm) methods

Contract deployed: nagaaint.near
Called method: 'new' in contract: nagaaint.near

Receipts included in this block

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 2 years ago
Key deleted: ed25519:3DZfyPp...
Key deleted: ed25519:9b4ehW3...
Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:3DZfyPp...

with permission to call (add_request, add_request_and_confirm, delete_request, confirm) methods

Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:9b4ehW3...

with permission to call (add_request, add_request_and_confirm, delete_request, confirm) methods

Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:DKoGns1...

with permission to call (confirm) methods

Contract deployed: nagaaint.near
Called method: 'new' in contract: nagaaint.near
Called method: 'create_account' in contract: near
Succeeded 2 years ago

Receipts executed in this block

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 2 years ago
Key deleted: ed25519:3DZfyPp...
Key deleted: ed25519:9b4ehW3...
Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:3DZfyPp...

with permission to call (add_request, add_request_and_confirm, delete_request, confirm) methods

Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:9b4ehW3...

with permission to call (add_request, add_request_and_confirm, delete_request, confirm) methods

Access key added for contract nagaaint.near: ed25519:DKoGns1...

with permission to call (confirm) methods

Contract deployed: nagaaint.near
Called method: 'new' in contract: nagaaint.near
Called method: 'create_account' in contract: near
Succeeded 2 years ago