
Block #121748834

Gas Used
1203 Tgas
Gas Price
0.0001 Ⓝ/Tgas
June 22, 2024 at 3:12:56pm


Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Transaction
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Actions delegated for 7687fa0a30cef599388f1197c4957fce30cb90a15b6210cf800972f4d12e1d68:
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'create_account' in contract: near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'open_box' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts included in this block

Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.005  to 0c3rr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'create_accounts' in contract: tg
by tg
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Transferred 0.005  to 1ztiu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for darkkingdom2660.near:
Called method: 'recruit_tinkers' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for belligerentclang.near:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.005  to udi38…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract:
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract:
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k8h5t…s.kaiching
New key added for k8h5t…s.kaiching: ed25519:Fo9eFE2...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k8h5t…s.kaiching
New account created: k61p0…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for k61p0…s.kaiching: ed25519:HoH4UPQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k61p0…s.kaiching
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 844lv…s.kaiching
New key added for 844lv…s.kaiching: ed25519:JDVBwzj...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 844lv…s.kaiching
New account created: 9olny…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 9olny…s.kaiching: ed25519:EJDFSat...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9olny…s.kaiching
New account created: 3hmhq…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 3hmhq…s.kaiching: ed25519:3qBDGr5...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3hmhq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5rwuw…s.kaiching
New key added for 5rwuw…s.kaiching: ed25519:BStc1vf...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5rwuw…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0d5d3…s.kaiching
New key added for 0d5d3…s.kaiching: ed25519:GA4BDvp...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 0d5d3…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0llbh…s.kaiching
New key added for 0llbh…s.kaiching: ed25519:Ggj2Uim...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 0llbh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ykvvy…s.kaiching
New key added for ykvvy…s.kaiching: ed25519:23Yd66P...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ykvvy…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: x1ykj…s.kaiching
New key added for x1ykj…s.kaiching: ed25519:9UzbSmK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x1ykj…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: lbhat…s.kaiching
New key added for lbhat…s.kaiching: ed25519:Fp85aeP...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to lbhat…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mkgwh…s.kaiching
New key added for mkgwh…s.kaiching: ed25519:3X1RqZC...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to mkgwh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qrg1f…s.kaiching
New key added for qrg1f…s.kaiching: ed25519:9MwCAF2...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qrg1f…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: og5b2…s.kaiching
New key added for og5b2…s.kaiching: ed25519:C3946Xy...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to og5b2…s.kaiching
New account created: l4y95…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for l4y95…s.kaiching: ed25519:HFUqwaa...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l4y95…s.kaiching
New account created: ogk32…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ogk32…s.kaiching: ed25519:Hbsd8hc...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ogk32…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'join_village' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 10.01996  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for 7a646fb119f97f239eb70b476849773b72e5423395004cebabd2b5db3f5cf9f5:
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for 9968d66c5da9b4f7b9c6136e4ab0393afd70883e6c66d85728f6b6ebbc1fe52b:
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: 438e4…ridge.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: 438e4…ridge.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: d3e0q…s.kaiching
New key added for d3e0q…s.kaiching: ed25519:HM8ekDt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to d3e0q…s.kaiching
New account created: cclon…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for cclon…s.kaiching: ed25519:76DXgqH...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to cclon…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: eaxdy…s.kaiching
New key added for eaxdy…s.kaiching: ed25519:Bc3fipu...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to eaxdy…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aw1vb…s.kaiching
New key added for aw1vb…s.kaiching: ed25519:EL7aBi8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to aw1vb…s.kaiching
New account created: baodk…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for baodk…s.kaiching: ed25519:yH1oets...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to baodk…s.kaiching
New account created: f0f1p…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for f0f1p…s.kaiching: ed25519:E7ZfsAS...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to f0f1p…s.kaiching
New account created: b5654…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for b5654…s.kaiching: ed25519:97eAWpU...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to b5654…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for inscrutableharbour.near:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for toughpuma6454.near:
Access key added for contract aa-harvest-moon.near: ed25519:BS5tkyA...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: tge-lockup.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: usdt.tether-token.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'nft_transfer_call' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'nft_transfer_call' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'open_box' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts executed in this block

Transferred 0.005  to 0c3rr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.005  to 1ztiu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 844lv…s.kaiching
New key added for 844lv…s.kaiching: ed25519:JDVBwzj...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 844lv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9olny…s.kaiching
New key added for 9olny…s.kaiching: ed25519:EJDFSat...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9olny…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3hmhq…s.kaiching
New key added for 3hmhq…s.kaiching: ed25519:3qBDGr5...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3hmhq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5rwuw…s.kaiching
New key added for 5rwuw…s.kaiching: ed25519:BStc1vf...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5rwuw…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0d5d3…s.kaiching
New key added for 0d5d3…s.kaiching: ed25519:GA4BDvp...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 0d5d3…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0llbh…s.kaiching
New key added for 0llbh…s.kaiching: ed25519:Ggj2Uim...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 0llbh…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for 7a646fb119f97f239eb70b476849773b72e5423395004cebabd2b5db3f5cf9f5:
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for 9968d66c5da9b4f7b9c6136e4ab0393afd70883e6c66d85728f6b6ebbc1fe52b:
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: 438e4…ridge.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: 438e4…ridge.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00058  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00342  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00345  to d73a0…f51aa2a861
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00139  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'earn_sprk' in contract: embr.…serve.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'earn_sprk' in contract: embr.…serve.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00151  to ff6lf…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00151  to fuxo3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for bce5121693885830df35edf8e8c4240d840cc5adf7b40e4bf14299c7ee0616dd:
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: blackdragon.tkn.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: blackdragon.tkn.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: blackdragon.tkn.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01556  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00361  to cab53…e507754611
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: echno…s.kaiching
New key added for echno…s.kaiching: ed25519:6ozAU5c...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to echno…s.kaiching
Called method: 'process_transfer' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'record_batch_for_hold' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.06379  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred <0.00001  to ccb91…a46284a6ea
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00359  to distributions.grow.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to cw8gv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to c5o0y…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to br085…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to f7rlt…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to d3pzy…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to d44og…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to c7nha…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to ce0gl…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to cy4yr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to d03r5…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to f750t…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to e4x2g…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to c7atf…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to bewk5…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to bmw4c…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to cvrt3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to cl5ry…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to c0lhw…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to dx0f1…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to eg8zs…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to g8sb8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to ew8jz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to cf2a8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to c6xig…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to f2g2e…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to emp55…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to cljd2…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to c1qi6…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to b10pp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to g7pmj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00155  to dfp4s…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to d9wk9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to c5esz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to fqdym…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00156  to dehhf…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k8h5t…s.kaiching
New key added for k8h5t…s.kaiching: ed25519:Fo9eFE2...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k8h5t…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k61p0…s.kaiching
New key added for k61p0…s.kaiching: ed25519:HoH4UPQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k61p0…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'join_village' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 10.01996  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for inscrutableharbour.near:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'create_accounts' in contract: tg
by tg
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: lbhat…s.kaiching
New key added for lbhat…s.kaiching: ed25519:Fp85aeP...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to lbhat…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mkgwh…s.kaiching
New key added for mkgwh…s.kaiching: ed25519:3X1RqZC...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to mkgwh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qrg1f…s.kaiching
New key added for qrg1f…s.kaiching: ed25519:9MwCAF2...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qrg1f…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: og5b2…s.kaiching
New key added for og5b2…s.kaiching: ed25519:C3946Xy...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to og5b2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l4y95…s.kaiching
New key added for l4y95…s.kaiching: ed25519:HFUqwaa...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l4y95…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ogk32…s.kaiching
New key added for ogk32…s.kaiching: ed25519:Hbsd8hc...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ogk32…s.kaiching
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'nft_transfer_call' in contract:
Called method: 'nft_transfer_call' in contract:
Called method: 'open_box' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.005  to udi38…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract:
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract:
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: wallet.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'swap' in contract: v2.ref-finance.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ykvvy…s.kaiching
New key added for ykvvy…s.kaiching: ed25519:23Yd66P...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ykvvy…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: x1ykj…s.kaiching
New key added for x1ykj…s.kaiching: ed25519:9UzbSmK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x1ykj…s.kaiching
Called method: 'swap' in contract: v2.ref-finance.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'swap' in contract: v2.ref-finance.near
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'defer_batch' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for toughpuma6454.near:
Access key added for contract aa-harvest-moon.near: ed25519:BS5tkyA...

with permission to call any methods

Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: tge-lockup.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: usdt.tether-token.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'swap' in contract: v2.ref-finance.near
Succeeded 1 month ago