
Block #120546289

Gas Used
955 Tgas
Gas Price
0.0001 Ⓝ/Tgas
June 06, 2024 at 6:10:03am


Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for vignatenko619.near:
Key deleted: ed25519:7Cumon6...
Key deleted: ed25519:6zhUqy3...
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for moralnode5663.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts included in this block

Called method: 'set_user_trust_score' in contract: score…tocol.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Delete account 53915…efcac4e92a and transfer remaining funds to 65858.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for unrestrictedspacesu.near:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for bestbread2.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01933  to fc04c…f312505c09
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aw6gz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for aw6gz…s.kaiching: ed25519:Hg76r9C...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to aw6gz…s.kaiching
New account created: e9dn9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for e9dn9…s.kaiching: ed25519:FcgTfsW...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to e9dn9…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: er58s…s.kaiching
New key added for er58s…s.kaiching: ed25519:ESjReqq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to er58s…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: d9bvb…s.kaiching
New key added for d9bvb…s.kaiching: ed25519:5ZQ7VHe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to d9bvb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: d6ek8…s.kaiching
New key added for d6ek8…s.kaiching: ed25519:HR73Rnq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to d6ek8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fcv1p…s.kaiching
New key added for fcv1p…s.kaiching: ed25519:9CVV9zb...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fcv1p…s.kaiching
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ehnmw…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ehnmw…s.kaiching: ed25519:78X6zCz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ehnmw…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: g85un…s.kaiching
New key added for g85un…s.kaiching: ed25519:Bi4VmoP...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to g85un…s.kaiching
New account created: ece27…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'close_payment' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ece27…s.kaiching: ed25519:YRMJvPo...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ece27…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.00021  to a8ed4…716bac9eaf
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: eaevv…s.kaiching
New key added for eaevv…s.kaiching: ed25519:9RMTTmz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to eaevv…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wm1x9…s.kaiching
New key added for wm1x9…s.kaiching: ed25519:HMZ74ab...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wm1x9…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wn75y…s.kaiching
New key added for wn75y…s.kaiching: ed25519:HmguoHg...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wn75y…s.kaiching
New account created: x5fq7…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for x5fq7…s.kaiching: ed25519:8xJis2x...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x5fq7…s.kaiching
New account created: y56rz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for y56rz…s.kaiching: ed25519:HrKCxq7...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y56rz…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y0sv6…s.kaiching
New key added for y0sv6…s.kaiching: ed25519:BKurhMv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y0sv6…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: x6nsx…s.kaiching
New key added for x6nsx…s.kaiching: ed25519:6NGCL1d...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x6nsx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: tivdq…s.kaiching
New key added for tivdq…s.kaiching: ed25519:8JzVQ3x...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to tivdq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zp979…s.kaiching
New key added for zp979…s.kaiching: ed25519:88PsV1C...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zp979…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: vd0wd…s.kaiching
New key added for vd0wd…s.kaiching: ed25519:5vVMoqE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to vd0wd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: w96pv…s.kaiching
New key added for w96pv…s.kaiching: ed25519:FsmEX8F...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to w96pv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zoj3d…s.kaiching
New key added for zoj3d…s.kaiching: ed25519:BnxXT8H...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zoj3d…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: unsrd…s.kaiching
New key added for unsrd…s.kaiching: ed25519:EwbFFx8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to unsrd…s.kaiching
New account created: x6vkb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for x6vkb…s.kaiching: ed25519:7PKWkBY...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x6vkb…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 72980…7e69000a5a
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zh5nt…s.kaiching
New key added for zh5nt…s.kaiching: ed25519:C7k1mRE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zh5nt…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: uhayf…s.kaiching
New key added for uhayf…s.kaiching: ed25519:6LPCuxA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to uhayf…s.kaiching
Called method: 'operator_execute_action' in contract: asset…twork.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 1  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 25ek2…s.kaiching
New key added for 25ek2…s.kaiching: ed25519:F8HKfrd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 25ek2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 79yge…s.kaiching
New key added for 79yge…s.kaiching: ed25519:4WgiTFZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 79yge…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 4i1eb…s.kaiching
New key added for 4i1eb…s.kaiching: ed25519:7VMDw4k...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 4i1eb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 00dhv…s.kaiching
New key added for 00dhv…s.kaiching: ed25519:Azoca4u...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 00dhv…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for strongblog4646.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9jis1…s.kaiching
New key added for 9jis1…s.kaiching: ed25519:ms5pPMh...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9jis1…s.kaiching
New account created: 8cqmc…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for neatos3876.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 8cqmc…s.kaiching: ed25519:HbqjmKJ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 8cqmc…s.kaiching
New account created: a3h7u…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for a3h7u…s.kaiching: ed25519:67SNuP9...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a3h7u…s.kaiching
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 29nvx…s.kaiching
New key added for 29nvx…s.kaiching: ed25519:FF9g75P...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 29nvx…s.kaiching
Called method: 'near_deposit' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 4llxc…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 4llxc…s.kaiching: ed25519:4wui19q...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 4llxc…s.kaiching
New account created: i249g…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7gfjh…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for i249g…s.kaiching: ed25519:51WSXuH...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7gfjh…s.kaiching: ed25519:CYnk9M9...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to i249g…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 7gfjh…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6yq11…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k3nis…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 6yq11…s.kaiching: ed25519:89BPtkT...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for k3nis…s.kaiching: ed25519:J8fGKgX...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k3nis…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 6yq11…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a47g0…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for a47g0…s.kaiching: ed25519:4T3D4Wq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a47g0…s.kaiching
New account created: 9n0fb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: iep6h…s.kaiching
New key added for iep6h…s.kaiching: ed25519:9bnaEMB...

with full access permission

New key added for 9n0fb…s.kaiching: ed25519:DNJEAZC...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to iep6h…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 9n0fb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3el34…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 3el34…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Fved1r...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3el34…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 31vp4…s.kaiching
New key added for 31vp4…s.kaiching: ed25519:EXBPUDd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 31vp4…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: adrq2…s.kaiching
New key added for adrq2…s.kaiching: ed25519:He41ibr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to adrq2…s.kaiching
New account created: 0vjm6…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: n7kj2…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 0vjm6…s.kaiching: ed25519:DiWppzr...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for n7kj2…s.kaiching: ed25519:GR5kHY4...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 0vjm6…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to n7kj2…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rtt10…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9z39i…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for rtt10…s.kaiching: ed25519:4vJvcah...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 9z39i…s.kaiching: ed25519:B4HRALc...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to rtt10…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 9z39i…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: lfsf0…s.kaiching
New key added for lfsf0…s.kaiching: ed25519:2tm9Hus...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to lfsf0…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l1mkq…s.kaiching
New key added for l1mkq…s.kaiching: ed25519:Gn7j6qj...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l1mkq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: m39oh…s.kaiching
New key added for m39oh…s.kaiching: ed25519:F7uY3TA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to m39oh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qk497…s.kaiching
New key added for qk497…s.kaiching: ed25519:4VWFGCU...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qk497…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rxb3e…s.kaiching
New key added for rxb3e…s.kaiching: ed25519:FDxkvFt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rxb3e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l6r82…s.kaiching
New key added for l6r82…s.kaiching: ed25519:7P1yG45...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l6r82…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: skz4b…s.kaiching
New key added for skz4b…s.kaiching: ed25519:9vLnXCv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to skz4b…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: nyuge…s.kaiching
New key added for nyuge…s.kaiching: ed25519:CmbS7uX...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to nyuge…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: llsw4…s.kaiching
New key added for llsw4…s.kaiching: ed25519:GaLsNEy...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to llsw4…s.kaiching

Receipts executed in this block

Delete account 53915…efcac4e92a and transfer remaining funds to 65858.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'close_payment' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00021  to a8ed4…716bac9eaf
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 72980…7e69000a5a
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'operator_execute_action' in contract: asset…twork.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 25ek2…s.kaiching
New key added for 25ek2…s.kaiching: ed25519:F8HKfrd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 25ek2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 79yge…s.kaiching
New key added for 79yge…s.kaiching: ed25519:4WgiTFZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 79yge…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 4i1eb…s.kaiching
New key added for 4i1eb…s.kaiching: ed25519:7VMDw4k...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 4i1eb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 00dhv…s.kaiching
New key added for 00dhv…s.kaiching: ed25519:Azoca4u...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 00dhv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9jis1…s.kaiching
New key added for 9jis1…s.kaiching: ed25519:ms5pPMh...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9jis1…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 8cqmc…s.kaiching
New key added for 8cqmc…s.kaiching: ed25519:HbqjmKJ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 8cqmc…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a3h7u…s.kaiching
New key added for a3h7u…s.kaiching: ed25519:67SNuP9...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a3h7u…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 29nvx…s.kaiching
New key added for 29nvx…s.kaiching: ed25519:FF9g75P...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 29nvx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 4llxc…s.kaiching
New key added for 4llxc…s.kaiching: ed25519:4wui19q...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 4llxc…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7gfjh…s.kaiching
New key added for 7gfjh…s.kaiching: ed25519:CYnk9M9...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7gfjh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6yq11…s.kaiching
New key added for 6yq11…s.kaiching: ed25519:89BPtkT...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 6yq11…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a47g0…s.kaiching
New key added for a47g0…s.kaiching: ed25519:4T3D4Wq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a47g0…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9n0fb…s.kaiching
New key added for 9n0fb…s.kaiching: ed25519:DNJEAZC...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9n0fb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3el34…s.kaiching
New key added for 3el34…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Fved1r...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3el34…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 31vp4…s.kaiching
New key added for 31vp4…s.kaiching: ed25519:EXBPUDd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 31vp4…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: adrq2…s.kaiching
New key added for adrq2…s.kaiching: ed25519:He41ibr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to adrq2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0vjm6…s.kaiching
New key added for 0vjm6…s.kaiching: ed25519:DiWppzr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 0vjm6…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9z39i…s.kaiching
New key added for 9z39i…s.kaiching: ed25519:B4HRALc...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9z39i…s.kaiching
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Called method: 'submit' in contract: aurora
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for bestbread2.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01933  to fc04c…f312505c09
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aw6gz…s.kaiching
New key added for aw6gz…s.kaiching: ed25519:Hg76r9C...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to aw6gz…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: e9dn9…s.kaiching
New key added for e9dn9…s.kaiching: ed25519:FcgTfsW...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to e9dn9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: er58s…s.kaiching
New key added for er58s…s.kaiching: ed25519:ESjReqq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to er58s…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: d9bvb…s.kaiching
New key added for d9bvb…s.kaiching: ed25519:5ZQ7VHe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to d9bvb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: d6ek8…s.kaiching
New key added for d6ek8…s.kaiching: ed25519:HR73Rnq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to d6ek8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fcv1p…s.kaiching
New key added for fcv1p…s.kaiching: ed25519:9CVV9zb...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fcv1p…s.kaiching
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ehnmw…s.kaiching
New key added for ehnmw…s.kaiching: ed25519:78X6zCz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ehnmw…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: g85un…s.kaiching
New key added for g85un…s.kaiching: ed25519:Bi4VmoP...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to g85un…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ece27…s.kaiching
New key added for ece27…s.kaiching: ed25519:YRMJvPo...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ece27…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: eaevv…s.kaiching
New key added for eaevv…s.kaiching: ed25519:9RMTTmz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to eaevv…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 1  to
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i249g…s.kaiching
New key added for i249g…s.kaiching: ed25519:51WSXuH...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i249g…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k3nis…s.kaiching
New key added for k3nis…s.kaiching: ed25519:J8fGKgX...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k3nis…s.kaiching
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: iep6h…s.kaiching
New key added for iep6h…s.kaiching: ed25519:9bnaEMB...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to iep6h…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'set_user_trust_score' in contract: score…tocol.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for strongblog4646.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for neatos3876.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: n7kj2…s.kaiching
New key added for n7kj2…s.kaiching: ed25519:GR5kHY4...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to n7kj2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rtt10…s.kaiching
New key added for rtt10…s.kaiching: ed25519:4vJvcah...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rtt10…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: lfsf0…s.kaiching
New key added for lfsf0…s.kaiching: ed25519:2tm9Hus...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to lfsf0…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l1mkq…s.kaiching
New key added for l1mkq…s.kaiching: ed25519:Gn7j6qj...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l1mkq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: m39oh…s.kaiching
New key added for m39oh…s.kaiching: ed25519:F7uY3TA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to m39oh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qk497…s.kaiching
New key added for qk497…s.kaiching: ed25519:4VWFGCU...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qk497…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rxb3e…s.kaiching
New key added for rxb3e…s.kaiching: ed25519:FDxkvFt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rxb3e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l6r82…s.kaiching
New key added for l6r82…s.kaiching: ed25519:7P1yG45...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l6r82…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: skz4b…s.kaiching
New key added for skz4b…s.kaiching: ed25519:9vLnXCv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to skz4b…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: nyuge…s.kaiching
New key added for nyuge…s.kaiching: ed25519:CmbS7uX...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to nyuge…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: llsw4…s.kaiching
New key added for llsw4…s.kaiching: ed25519:GaLsNEy...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to llsw4…s.kaiching
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for unrestrictedspacesu.near:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wm1x9…s.kaiching
New key added for wm1x9…s.kaiching: ed25519:HMZ74ab...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wm1x9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wn75y…s.kaiching
New key added for wn75y…s.kaiching: ed25519:HmguoHg...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wn75y…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: x5fq7…s.kaiching
New key added for x5fq7…s.kaiching: ed25519:8xJis2x...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x5fq7…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y56rz…s.kaiching
New key added for y56rz…s.kaiching: ed25519:HrKCxq7...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y56rz…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y0sv6…s.kaiching
New key added for y0sv6…s.kaiching: ed25519:BKurhMv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y0sv6…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: x6nsx…s.kaiching
New key added for x6nsx…s.kaiching: ed25519:6NGCL1d...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x6nsx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: tivdq…s.kaiching
New key added for tivdq…s.kaiching: ed25519:8JzVQ3x...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to tivdq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zp979…s.kaiching
New key added for zp979…s.kaiching: ed25519:88PsV1C...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zp979…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: vd0wd…s.kaiching
New key added for vd0wd…s.kaiching: ed25519:5vVMoqE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to vd0wd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: w96pv…s.kaiching
New key added for w96pv…s.kaiching: ed25519:FsmEX8F...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to w96pv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zoj3d…s.kaiching
New key added for zoj3d…s.kaiching: ed25519:BnxXT8H...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zoj3d…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: unsrd…s.kaiching
New key added for unsrd…s.kaiching: ed25519:EwbFFx8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to unsrd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: x6vkb…s.kaiching
New key added for x6vkb…s.kaiching: ed25519:7PKWkBY...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to x6vkb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zh5nt…s.kaiching
New key added for zh5nt…s.kaiching: ed25519:C7k1mRE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zh5nt…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: uhayf…s.kaiching
New key added for uhayf…s.kaiching: ed25519:6LPCuxA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to uhayf…s.kaiching
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'near_deposit' in contract: wrap.near
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: wrap.near
Called method: 'swap' in contract: v2.ref-finance.near
Succeeded 1 month ago