
Block #120691484

Gas Used
1119 Tgas
Gas Price
0.0001 Ⓝ/Tgas
June 08, 2024 at 6:38:30am


Actions delegated for
Called method: 'near_withdraw' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'open_box' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts included in this block

New account created: c50mq…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y40r9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ox4ei…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'return_assignment_admin' in contract: app.nearcrowd.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for y40r9…s.kaiching: ed25519:FzpseW4...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ox4ei…s.kaiching: ed25519:4nSi76x...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for c50mq…s.kaiching: ed25519:H1C7uug...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to y40r9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to c50mq…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to ox4ei…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ebarr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: nimp1…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wxbov…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 83jnn…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kjb8k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 83jnn…s.kaiching: ed25519:8RsC687...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for kjb8k…s.kaiching: ed25519:4HzGebf...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for wxbov…s.kaiching: ed25519:AZ8QzUT...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ebarr…s.kaiching: ed25519:DS2m7sx...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for nimp1…s.kaiching: ed25519:B4mDz2J...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 83jnn…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to ebarr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to wxbov…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to kjb8k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to nimp1…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: doy7o…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: m8zau…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: w4k3v…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1abjv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: h3nto…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for m8zau…s.kaiching: ed25519:8g3ucpF...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for h3nto…s.kaiching: ed25519:2iREHRs...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for doy7o…s.kaiching: ed25519:6vtZLmL...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 1abjv…s.kaiching: ed25519:CUQA9vM...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for w4k3v…s.kaiching: ed25519:55iswpY...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to h3nto…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to doy7o…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to m8zau…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to w4k3v…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 1abjv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z6lud…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: q0uhc…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: apica…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fsn0e…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k8aqb…s.kaiching
New key added for k8aqb…s.kaiching: ed25519:EcABaAy...

with full access permission

New key added for q0uhc…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Y7dG4t...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for apica…s.kaiching: ed25519:FZ3RnFV...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for z6lud…s.kaiching: ed25519:GrHRYWS...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for fsn0e…s.kaiching: ed25519:3j4bXVr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fsn0e…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to k8aqb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to z6lud…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to q0uhc…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to apica…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: oicok…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7cph2…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: b85v3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: to1d7…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hwhbh…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for b85v3…s.kaiching: ed25519:BmvZqcd...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for oicok…s.kaiching: ed25519:HMQ8nwt...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for to1d7…s.kaiching: ed25519:Azxq4wo...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for hwhbh…s.kaiching: ed25519:BvHYC9j...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7cph2…s.kaiching: ed25519:2aECaK9...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to oicok…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 7cph2…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to to1d7…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to hwhbh…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to b85v3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fgu92…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7xzj9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: isaqx…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: peclx…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v8pwl…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7xzj9…s.kaiching: ed25519:FTJvVwt...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for v8pwl…s.kaiching: ed25519:GzMiEzt...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for isaqx…s.kaiching: ed25519:HecDkHT...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for fgu92…s.kaiching: ed25519:2xUqKPp...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for peclx…s.kaiching: ed25519:8niR1p8...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to v8pwl…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 7xzj9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to isaqx…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to peclx…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to fgu92…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 4gw5w…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wxg1g…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mvuo9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: btfjh…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k88kz…s.kaiching
New key added for k88kz…s.kaiching: ed25519:GhiFynQ...

with full access permission

New key added for 4gw5w…s.kaiching: ed25519:5yGFEzo...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for mvuo9…s.kaiching: ed25519:2K2cN19...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for wxg1g…s.kaiching: ed25519:3XB1AZm...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for btfjh…s.kaiching: ed25519:5wEuEGF...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to btfjh…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to mvuo9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to wxg1g…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to k88kz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 4gw5w…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5p7wu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v5kcu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: j8ktv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rc85t…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: el5mn…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for rc85t…s.kaiching: ed25519:FpvRUVF...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for j8ktv…s.kaiching: ed25519:CP6xnyL...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 5p7wu…s.kaiching: ed25519:2owBVhV...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for v5kcu…s.kaiching: ed25519:hdxUmhG...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for el5mn…s.kaiching: ed25519:77htqJW...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 5p7wu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to rc85t…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to el5mn…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to v5kcu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to j8ktv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: cluk5…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wd39x…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7qqhp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: oc00h…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kbd6y…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for wd39x…s.kaiching: ed25519:EcVqc7S...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for cluk5…s.kaiching: ed25519:3CDUTZA...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7qqhp…s.kaiching: ed25519:Hvgvz93...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for kbd6y…s.kaiching: ed25519:AstFwvE...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for oc00h…s.kaiching: ed25519:39D2BEW...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to cluk5…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to kbd6y…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to wd39x…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 7qqhp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to oc00h…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9uepd…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: u3qut…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: oe5wd…s.kaiching
New key added for oe5wd…s.kaiching: ed25519:7EXBcwU...

with full access permission

New key added for 9uepd…s.kaiching: ed25519:B5uboY3...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for u3qut…s.kaiching: ed25519:G9QNF1X...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 9uepd…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to u3qut…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to oe5wd…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z7ddj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: q4vx8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 18h3e…s.kaiching
New key added for 18h3e…s.kaiching: ed25519:Gt4wV4X...

with full access permission

New key added for z7ddj…s.kaiching: ed25519:8gt5Ejs...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for q4vx8…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Ehg6Xp...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to q4vx8…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to z7ddj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 18h3e…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zqcth…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1ek38…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: sl3w7…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 1ek38…s.kaiching: ed25519:EDXdRvR...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for zqcth…s.kaiching: ed25519:Cuw9FwK...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for sl3w7…s.kaiching: ed25519:6SmE5t7...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to sl3w7…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 1ek38…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to zqcth…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aul5b…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zj6qn…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: nwgqu…s.kaiching
New key added for nwgqu…s.kaiching: ed25519:DdtaG2W...

with full access permission

New key added for zj6qn…s.kaiching: ed25519:76cNVaZ...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for aul5b…s.kaiching: ed25519:BBpCyZR...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to nwgqu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to zj6qn…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to aul5b…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l6y75…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: vptfs…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 8stgt…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for l6y75…s.kaiching: ed25519:BEYb6Ex...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 8stgt…s.kaiching: ed25519:8zMQ2tK...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for vptfs…s.kaiching: ed25519:4kbjt3H...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to l6y75…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 8stgt…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to vptfs…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mvw26…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 2k8ly…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zen2k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for zen2k…s.kaiching: ed25519:GoPJFcd...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for mvw26…s.kaiching: ed25519:HTDVWgU...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 2k8ly…s.kaiching: ed25519:6iVLx7n...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to zen2k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 2k8ly…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to mvw26…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ucjvv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5ojmi…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qbc0x…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ucjvv…s.kaiching: ed25519:7xAhs1S...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 5ojmi…s.kaiching: ed25519:GNLGt6k...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for qbc0x…s.kaiching: ed25519:HAJtR6g...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to ucjvv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 5ojmi…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to qbc0x…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 558le…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xgbxy…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kx62x…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 558le…s.kaiching: ed25519:7s8Tx4N...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for kx62x…s.kaiching: ed25519:G3hiFGA...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for xgbxy…s.kaiching: ed25519:BhaRQJj...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to kx62x…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to xgbxy…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 558le…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5g0bv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xti1k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for xti1k…s.kaiching: ed25519:6QxUTVe...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 5g0bv…s.kaiching: ed25519:4vF3gDd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5g0bv…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to xti1k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z347e…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7l5j4…s.kaiching
New key added for 7l5j4…s.kaiching: ed25519:Byv4Nft...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for z347e…s.kaiching: ed25519:4hASfE3...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z347e…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 7l5j4…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xid6v…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7li5w…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for xid6v…s.kaiching: ed25519:2jpgvBo...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7li5w…s.kaiching: ed25519:2a9Grqv...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to xid6v…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 7li5w…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9thme…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 9thme…s.kaiching: ed25519:3Q7gKPD...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9thme…s.kaiching
New account created: 759fs…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 759fs…s.kaiching: ed25519:91F2Y74...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 759fs…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'charge' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'charge' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.1  to dba5d…8be0e56319
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim_assignment' in contract: app.nearcrowd.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'join_village' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'receive_dividends' in contract: storage.herewallet.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts executed in this block

Called method: 'return_assignment_admin' in contract: app.nearcrowd.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 83jnn…s.kaiching
New key added for 83jnn…s.kaiching: ed25519:8RsC687...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 83jnn…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1abjv…s.kaiching
New key added for 1abjv…s.kaiching: ed25519:CUQA9vM...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1abjv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: apica…s.kaiching
New key added for apica…s.kaiching: ed25519:FZ3RnFV...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to apica…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7cph2…s.kaiching
New key added for 7cph2…s.kaiching: ed25519:2aECaK9...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7cph2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7xzj9…s.kaiching
New key added for 7xzj9…s.kaiching: ed25519:FTJvVwt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7xzj9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 4gw5w…s.kaiching
New key added for 4gw5w…s.kaiching: ed25519:5yGFEzo...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 4gw5w…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5p7wu…s.kaiching
New key added for 5p7wu…s.kaiching: ed25519:2owBVhV...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5p7wu…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7qqhp…s.kaiching
New key added for 7qqhp…s.kaiching: ed25519:Hvgvz93...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7qqhp…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9uepd…s.kaiching
New key added for 9uepd…s.kaiching: ed25519:B5uboY3...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9uepd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 18h3e…s.kaiching
New key added for 18h3e…s.kaiching: ed25519:Gt4wV4X...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 18h3e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1ek38…s.kaiching
New key added for 1ek38…s.kaiching: ed25519:EDXdRvR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1ek38…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aul5b…s.kaiching
New key added for aul5b…s.kaiching: ed25519:BBpCyZR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to aul5b…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 8stgt…s.kaiching
New key added for 8stgt…s.kaiching: ed25519:8zMQ2tK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 8stgt…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 2k8ly…s.kaiching
New key added for 2k8ly…s.kaiching: ed25519:6iVLx7n...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 2k8ly…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5ojmi…s.kaiching
New key added for 5ojmi…s.kaiching: ed25519:GNLGt6k...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5ojmi…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 558le…s.kaiching
New key added for 558le…s.kaiching: ed25519:7s8Tx4N...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 558le…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5g0bv…s.kaiching
New key added for 5g0bv…s.kaiching: ed25519:4vF3gDd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5g0bv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7l5j4…s.kaiching
New key added for 7l5j4…s.kaiching: ed25519:Byv4Nft...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7l5j4…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7li5w…s.kaiching
New key added for 7li5w…s.kaiching: ed25519:2a9Grqv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7li5w…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9thme…s.kaiching
New key added for 9thme…s.kaiching: ed25519:3Q7gKPD...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9thme…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 759fs…s.kaiching
New key added for 759fs…s.kaiching: ed25519:91F2Y74...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 759fs…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim_assignment' in contract: app.nearcrowd.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'join_village' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract: 438e4…ridge.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: c50mq…s.kaiching
New key added for c50mq…s.kaiching: ed25519:H1C7uug...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to c50mq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ebarr…s.kaiching
New key added for ebarr…s.kaiching: ed25519:DS2m7sx...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ebarr…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: doy7o…s.kaiching
New key added for doy7o…s.kaiching: ed25519:6vtZLmL...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to doy7o…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fsn0e…s.kaiching
New key added for fsn0e…s.kaiching: ed25519:3j4bXVr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fsn0e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: b85v3…s.kaiching
New key added for b85v3…s.kaiching: ed25519:BmvZqcd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to b85v3…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fgu92…s.kaiching
New key added for fgu92…s.kaiching: ed25519:2xUqKPp...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fgu92…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: btfjh…s.kaiching
New key added for btfjh…s.kaiching: ed25519:5wEuEGF...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to btfjh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: el5mn…s.kaiching
New key added for el5mn…s.kaiching: ed25519:77htqJW...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to el5mn…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: cluk5…s.kaiching
New key added for cluk5…s.kaiching: ed25519:3CDUTZA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to cluk5…s.kaiching
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'on_transfer' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'on_transfer' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'on_transfer' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.1  to dba5d…8be0e56319
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Called method: 'new_user' in contract:
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kjb8k…s.kaiching
New key added for kjb8k…s.kaiching: ed25519:4HzGebf...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kjb8k…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: h3nto…s.kaiching
New key added for h3nto…s.kaiching: ed25519:2iREHRs...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to h3nto…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k8aqb…s.kaiching
New key added for k8aqb…s.kaiching: ed25519:EcABaAy...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k8aqb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hwhbh…s.kaiching
New key added for hwhbh…s.kaiching: ed25519:BvHYC9j...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hwhbh…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: isaqx…s.kaiching
New key added for isaqx…s.kaiching: ed25519:HecDkHT...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to isaqx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: k88kz…s.kaiching
New key added for k88kz…s.kaiching: ed25519:GhiFynQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to k88kz…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: j8ktv…s.kaiching
New key added for j8ktv…s.kaiching: ed25519:CP6xnyL...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to j8ktv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kbd6y…s.kaiching
New key added for kbd6y…s.kaiching: ed25519:AstFwvE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kbd6y…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Failed 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ox4ei…s.kaiching
New key added for ox4ei…s.kaiching: ed25519:4nSi76x...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ox4ei…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: nimp1…s.kaiching
New key added for nimp1…s.kaiching: ed25519:B4mDz2J...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to nimp1…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: m8zau…s.kaiching
New key added for m8zau…s.kaiching: ed25519:8g3ucpF...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to m8zau…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: q0uhc…s.kaiching
New key added for q0uhc…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Y7dG4t...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to q0uhc…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: oicok…s.kaiching
New key added for oicok…s.kaiching: ed25519:HMQ8nwt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to oicok…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: peclx…s.kaiching
New key added for peclx…s.kaiching: ed25519:8niR1p8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to peclx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mvuo9…s.kaiching
New key added for mvuo9…s.kaiching: ed25519:2K2cN19...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to mvuo9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rc85t…s.kaiching
New key added for rc85t…s.kaiching: ed25519:FpvRUVF...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rc85t…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: oc00h…s.kaiching
New key added for oc00h…s.kaiching: ed25519:39D2BEW...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to oc00h…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: oe5wd…s.kaiching
New key added for oe5wd…s.kaiching: ed25519:7EXBcwU...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to oe5wd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: q4vx8…s.kaiching
New key added for q4vx8…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Ehg6Xp...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to q4vx8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: sl3w7…s.kaiching
New key added for sl3w7…s.kaiching: ed25519:6SmE5t7...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to sl3w7…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: nwgqu…s.kaiching
New key added for nwgqu…s.kaiching: ed25519:DdtaG2W...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to nwgqu…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: l6y75…s.kaiching
New key added for l6y75…s.kaiching: ed25519:BEYb6Ex...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to l6y75…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mvw26…s.kaiching
New key added for mvw26…s.kaiching: ed25519:HTDVWgU...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to mvw26…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qbc0x…s.kaiching
New key added for qbc0x…s.kaiching: ed25519:HAJtR6g...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qbc0x…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kx62x…s.kaiching
New key added for kx62x…s.kaiching: ed25519:G3hiFGA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kx62x…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'charge' in contract:
Called method: 'charge' in contract:
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'receive_dividends' in contract: storage.herewallet.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y40r9…s.kaiching
New key added for y40r9…s.kaiching: ed25519:FzpseW4...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y40r9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wxbov…s.kaiching
New key added for wxbov…s.kaiching: ed25519:AZ8QzUT...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wxbov…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: w4k3v…s.kaiching
New key added for w4k3v…s.kaiching: ed25519:55iswpY...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to w4k3v…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z6lud…s.kaiching
New key added for z6lud…s.kaiching: ed25519:GrHRYWS...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z6lud…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: to1d7…s.kaiching
New key added for to1d7…s.kaiching: ed25519:Azxq4wo...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to to1d7…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v8pwl…s.kaiching
New key added for v8pwl…s.kaiching: ed25519:GzMiEzt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to v8pwl…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wxg1g…s.kaiching
New key added for wxg1g…s.kaiching: ed25519:3XB1AZm...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wxg1g…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v5kcu…s.kaiching
New key added for v5kcu…s.kaiching: ed25519:hdxUmhG...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to v5kcu…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wd39x…s.kaiching
New key added for wd39x…s.kaiching: ed25519:EcVqc7S...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wd39x…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: u3qut…s.kaiching
New key added for u3qut…s.kaiching: ed25519:G9QNF1X...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to u3qut…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z7ddj…s.kaiching
New key added for z7ddj…s.kaiching: ed25519:8gt5Ejs...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z7ddj…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zqcth…s.kaiching
New key added for zqcth…s.kaiching: ed25519:Cuw9FwK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zqcth…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zj6qn…s.kaiching
New key added for zj6qn…s.kaiching: ed25519:76cNVaZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zj6qn…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: vptfs…s.kaiching
New key added for vptfs…s.kaiching: ed25519:4kbjt3H...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to vptfs…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zen2k…s.kaiching
New key added for zen2k…s.kaiching: ed25519:GoPJFcd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zen2k…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ucjvv…s.kaiching
New key added for ucjvv…s.kaiching: ed25519:7xAhs1S...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ucjvv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xgbxy…s.kaiching
New key added for xgbxy…s.kaiching: ed25519:BhaRQJj...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to xgbxy…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xti1k…s.kaiching
New key added for xti1k…s.kaiching: ed25519:6QxUTVe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to xti1k…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z347e…s.kaiching
New key added for z347e…s.kaiching: ed25519:4hASfE3...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z347e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xid6v…s.kaiching
New key added for xid6v…s.kaiching: ed25519:2jpgvBo...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to xid6v…s.kaiching
Called method: 'exchange_callback_post_withdraw' in contract: v2.ref-finance.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract: usdt.tether-token.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: usdt.tether-token.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract: usdt.tether-token.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago